Daily Archives: August 1, 2009

It seems like more and more people are turning to litigation to deal with any problems that might come up between a client and a business. It doesn't matter how frivolous the claim, people seem determined to take a company to court and get some kind of compensation out of it. If this happens to you or your company, Errors and Omissions insurance can keep you protected.

Legal Protection Through Errors and Omissions Insurance

On May 15, 2007 the information was out, that Halo 3 was due to be released on September 25 in North America and on the 26th in Europe. Halo 3 was the third in a very popular series for the Xbox 360 called 'Halo'. According to the vice president of Microsoft's interactive entertainment business, Halo 3's publication was much more than just a video game release, it was to be the biggest entertainment event of the year. He may just have been right too.

When Was Halo 3 Released?