
Gone are the days when all you needed was a rabbit ear antenna to bring the most popular television stations into your home. Television has evolved from a pastime where viewers were content to watch whatever was on to an obsession where people feel addicted to particular shows and cannot go without seeing them.

Satellite Tv Brings A World Of Viewing Opportunities

Do you love going to the movie theater and get lost in the realism that their superior sound systems create? If you do, then I bet you are also one of those people who dislikes going there, only to have a potentially wonderful evening ruined by irresponsible people talking through the movie or letting their cell phones ring.

Movie Theater Quality Sound At Home

It is common to hear people say that time flies and it is true. I have put together a list of screen idols who passed away ten years ago. When I began researching this list of screen idols' obituaries, I was surprised to read who had died and how old they had become when they died. I have listed them by date. Doesn't time fly?

Ten Film Idol Obituaries From Ten Years Ago.