
It is common to hear people say that time flies and it is true. I have put together a list of screen idols who passed away ten years ago. When I began researching this list of screen idols' obituaries, I was surprised to read who had died and how old they had become when they died. I have listed them by date. Doesn't time fly?

Ten Film Idol Obituaries From Ten Years Ago.

Astronomy is a very serious branch of science, although many people become interested in it when they are very young. Astronomy is a thought-provoking hobby that can teach children about the other sciences in general. Some astronomical subjects inspire kids and movies like Star Wars and they serve to increase this attraction.

Astronomy For Teens.

Astronomy is a serious science and as with many things, even very serious things, people often get in at an early age. This exciting science can provide hours of learning, that's why astronomy is popular with kids. Kids naturally gravitate to many aspects of astronomy, including the moon, the stars and far distant galaxies.

Astronomy For Teens.