
With the real estate market in a slump, many agencies are attempting to develop methods to increase the amount of prospects that are available to the agency. One of these methods and perhaps the best available method is Internet marketing. Internet marketing for real estate agents provides more potential prospects thus increasing the profitability of the agency.

Internet Marketing For Real Estate Agents Provides More Potential Prospects

It's not that real estate professionals enjoy wasting their money on ancient marketing techniques while getting absolutely no results and relying on their consultant's old tactics. They just aren't flying with the times. Economic recession is making everyone's lives really hard right now and consumers are no longer responding to old forms of advertising. Eric Hoffer once stated, "In times of change, the learners will inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists!" You either evolve, or you become extinct and turn into dust. Your real estate business is no exception to this rule of nature.

Web 2.0 Real Estate Marketing Tricks – Dominate Your Competition

When purchasing a new property you can either use a mortgage broker or direct lender. A broker works with multiple lenders and is able to compare rates, turn times, service, etc among lenders. A direct lender will work directly with you. Both utilize loan officers who could be your primary point of contact, answer your questions, help you through the application process, etc. A direct lender can also be a wholesale lender and thus work directly with borrowers, or work through independent brokers.

Is a Direct Mortgage Lender Right for You?