
Paper lanterns have their light source in the centre, which is surrounded by rice paper held in place by a wooden or steel frame. Simple lanterns are available in the form of a paper bag housing a candle, but there are also less simple designs available. Some lanterns have metal frames with the paper held up by hoops. Other designs make use of collapsible bamboo or tougher paper.

Paper Lanterns as Decoration

Astronomy is a very serious branch of science, although many people become interested in it when they are very young. Astronomy is a thought-provoking hobby that can teach children about the other sciences in general. Some astronomical subjects inspire kids and movies like Star Wars and they serve to increase this attraction.

Astronomy For Teens.

Bass fishing tips come in quite handy especially when you are a beginner. First of all, it would be a good thing to know that bass are fish whose metabolism depends on the temperature of water. Their metabolism rises proportionally with increased water temperature. If the water where they live is cold, as it is in deeper waters, they are less active and so need to eat less.

Bass Fishing Basics