Daily Archives: May 13, 2010

The history of glass windows made its original journey when the Romans in 100 AD used glass in villas and buildings where the prestigious were housed. The glass produced by the Romans has been found across Europe, in the Mediterranean, and in China. German Craftsmen in the eleventh century discovered that by taking small pieces of glass and putting them together with lead they could create larger more intricate designs, now known as stained glass.

The Origin And History Of Glass Windows

Those who have decided to take on a career in real estate will no doubt benefit by taking up professional courses and classes. Since this is a highly specialized profession with its own set of rules, protocol and etiquette it is highly advisable to do so. Real estate has many legal trimmings also and these have to be mastered by the aspiring real estate agent. And there are classes on going throughout out Canada and the territories such as Manitoba and Quebec for example.

Why One Should Consider Real Estate Classes