Daily Archives: November 15, 2009

Following a diet is never easy, especially to begin with, but to tell the truth just because you're going to do the Atkins Diet, it doesn't mean to say that it will become any easier either. Sure, you can eat almost unlimited amounts of high fat and high protein food, but you're still following a diet and you still have to to limit your food intake.

Atkins Products for Dieting

In the real estate industry, a short sale is a situation where, to prevent foreclosure, there is an agreement made between the borrower (property owner) and the lender (financer) to sell a property at a discounted price in the event that the borrower fails to meet payments. The total proceeds from the sale of the mortgaged property cannot cover the owner's loan, thus the lender will not receive everything that is due.

About Phoenix Foreclosures And Short Sales