Top Tips to Get You Moved Right

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Moving day: two words that can strike fear into even the bravest of hearts. So much prep work to do, the packing, the cleaning; who needs it? Well, unless you’re planning to stay right where you are for the rest of your life, you need it. And you may never come to love it, but there are some simple things you can do to make it more tolerable.

Choose Appropriate Materials-Boxes are a staple for moving because of their uniform size and durability. Heavy items such as books, fragile items such as dishes, and items that are the same size, like CDs and DVDs, should all go into boxes.

Bags are good for items like clothing, bedding, and soft toys. They’ll also do in a pinch when you’ve run out of boxes and are left with miscellaneous odds and ends. Just be sure to avoid putting anything heavy or with sharp edges in bags.

Maximize Space-Your helpers are going to feel much better if they see a small to medium size van sitting in your driveway, rather than the largest one on the lot. The more efficiently you pack, the smaller the van you’ll need.

Fill your boxes completely; leaving empty space inside means the contents are more likely to shift, and increases the likelihood that they won’t support boxes placed on top of them. If your boxes collapse, you’ll have to waste time repacking them, and possibly have broken items to replace.

Label Everything-Don’t simply write the name of the room the box is destined for on the outside; list some of the specific contents, so you can prioritize your unpacking. Remember that it may be weeks before you get everything unpacked, so don’t risk having something you’ll need right away buried in an inadequately labeled box.

Choosing the right tools makes any job easier, and packing is no exception. Gather what you need early and work a little bit every day to break the job down into manageable chunks and you won’t feel overwhelmed.

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