
Tennis psychology is the same as understanding the workings of your opponent's mind, and assessing the effect of your own game on his/her mental viewpoint and also understanding the psychological effects resulting from the various external causes on your own mind.

Basic Tennis Psychology (Part 1)

There is a common belief that golf is the normal pastime-cum-sport of big shot entrepreneurs and businessmen. It is also perceived as being an exclusive sport and not accessible by regular blue collared employees. However, this is not the reality as modernization and commercialization have brought these so called elite sports into the reach of ordinary workers.

Moderate Retirement Gifts For Golfers

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) was originally launched in the United States by the "first family of Jiu-Jitsu." They brought together the very best martial artists from the various disciplines to compete against each other on a level playing field. The goal was to determine which of the disciplines was best. Could a boxer beat a wrestler? Could a kung fu champion beat a karate master?

How The UFC Began