
Most people use fragrance of one kind or another, whether its purpose is to cover up possible body odour or just for fun. When I say 'fun', I mean 'pleasure' or to attract admirers, whether you intend to do anything about them or not. There are literally thousands of scents to choose from and they are priced from cheap to exorbitantly expensive. So, when there are so many choices, how do you know which ones are suitable for you?

Buying Perfume For Yourself

The Theobroma Cacao or 'the food of the Gods' is what we all know as the cocoa tree. It's origins can be traced back to South America's rain forests, specifically to Central America, although historians are still at variance over certain facts with regard to this tree.

Facts About Chocolate’s Origins

I have a couple of questions for you first of all. Do you like chocolate? Or does it go deeper than that? Do you love chocolate are you what is called a chocoholic? And lastly, was that attitude fashioned by store-bought chocolate such as Mars Bars, Galaxy and Snickers?

Chocolate For The Chocoholic