expired listings

The recession has brought people to a certain level of poverty. The unemployment rate continues to increase and pose a big problem to debtors. Bills are not paid on time, they cut on other expenses even necessary ones, and basically not live the way they used to. They risk their homes to foreclosure that they end up selling the property instead. People who live in big houses move to smaller houses to accommodate their current status and make do with their resources. And to avoid further obligations for the big house, they sell it in the soonest possible time. The problem is the high value the property has makes it difficult to be sold in just a month or two.

Why Do People Sell Their Houses And Resort To Fast ...

There is a lot of information available to real estate professionals on how to survive in this market. Very few of them however, I have looked at the demand side of the equation. Sure, if you position yourself appropriately for real estate leads you may have numerous properties to offer the new exacting customer, but where do you find that New Exacting Customer?

Three Sources Of Clients For Real Estate Agents