bank reo

Sales of existing U.S. homes increased a record 9.4 percent in September as Americans rushed to take advantage of a tax credit for first-time buyers before it expires in November. Purchases rose to a 5.57 million annual rate, higher than forecast and the highest in more than two years, the National Association of Realtors said recently in Washington.

House’s Sell Due To Tax Credit – REO’s Lead The ...

I have stumbled across a new product, REO Goldminer, that is a game changer for all the entrepreneurial real estate investors out there. If you have spent any time trying to find REOs you realize how challenging it can be to find quality deals or quality information. Given the stone wall that many investors feel they are up against when researching REOs, they often turn to alternative marketing practices. Have you ever sent out thousands of direct mail pieces, posted Bandit Signs, or run ads in the classified section of your hardly even read local newspaper? Worse still, a great number of real estate investors turn to phoning poor families who are on the verge of losing their houses, in an effort to find a positive outcome for all. It isn't usually received that way though unfortunately.

REO Goldminer — Below the Surface