Anger, a perfectly normal emotion, can change into something frightening and ugly. The first thought you might have of anger issues may bring about images of a couple fighting, a parent abusing a child, a teenager lashing out at a teacher or a parent. Rarely will images of angry children come to mind. Unfortunately youths, at very young ages, have to deal with feelings of anger and rage. This is a truth which is often difficult for adults to understand or deal with.

Anger Management for Children

Manic depression, or Bipolar Disorder, is considered one of the most severe types of depression that people usually suffer from. It is characterized by sudden and extreme mood swings. Manic depression is so-named because manic refers to 'mania', which refers to the 'ups' while depression refers to the 'downs'. Bi-polar also refers to both ends of the spectrum of emotions

About Manic Depression