Marketing For Realtors: Simple Strategies That Work

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In this current economy Realtors really have to go out of their way when it comes to creating an interesting and effective marketing strategy. Marketing for Realtors is generally done by print ads in local newspapers, billboards, and in some cases television commercials in the areas in which they have properties for rent or sale.

One of the most under used assets that a Realtor can turn to is the World Wide Web. The use of Internet Marketing can increase a real estates business by more than 30% each and every year. In fact, it has been determined that Realtors generate more sales from online marketing than from all physical means of marketing put together.

A website that is easy to navigate and contains the information that home searchers are looking for is vitally important. Websites are the most turned to resource when an individual is searching for a new home. If your website is lacking the information and details that they need in order to shop for a property, then you will fail when it comes to online marketing.

Simple text property listings on your companies website is ineffective! If you truly want to increase your sales and gain more exposure for your company and properties then you need to go the extra mile and create a website that features dynamic content. You need a website that allows users to see the properties you have for sale or rent in video and photo directly on your website.

Many Realtors have started to take advantage of video sharing websites such as YouTube. You can create short video tours of each of your properties and load them to YouTube. This type of marketing does not cost a single penny. Visitors to your website can then check out all your properties from the comfort of their homes. This will also save you from wasting time in showing multiple properties.

A very simple form of marketing that is not used to its potential is that of flyers. Realtors who create flyers and distribute them via mail or by placing them on cars in parking lots, have been statistically proven to produce better results and more sales than general newspaper advertisements. In fact, a real estate company that implements the use of flyers can increase their overall yearly sales by more than 18%.

The more creative and interesting that you get with your marketing strategy, the more effective that your marketing strategy will be. If you go with the “same old same old” you will not produce the results that you desire. Instead, you will continue to gain the same old results that other real estate companies have accepted as the norm.

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