Long Island Housing Is Attractive for Younger People 1

If one thing could possibly be changed about the housing situation on Long Island, it’s that it could be made more affordable. Long Island has been seen as a location made exclusively for single families in terms of homes. Their prices are at the extent of which families could be easily afforded them; the same cannot be said for young men and women who want to buy homes of their own. In spite of the frighteningly staggering rates for houses, it seems like Long Island housing has the potential to be within the budgets of these people.

There’s a great concern surrounding Long Island housing and the amount of young people that may leave as a result. Not many choices are available for these people who are on a specific budget and simply want to live at home, though away from their families. Build a Better Burb has clarified this and, in turn, there has been an influx of people leaving because of high rates on housing. Purchasing a house, in between work and responsibilities, simply isn’t in the cards for most young people.

For those who are hungry for statistics, BABB has a couple of examples to cite. One of them is that only 17% of Long Island’s housing stock is rentals. This is about half of what exists in neighboring suburban regions and that is sad because not many options exist for people who want to get into affordable housing. The sad truth is that there isn’t a great amount of choice to be had and, in essence, all of what people can see is what they get. The question to be asked is, what exactly is being done to rectify the situation?

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It’s not abnormal for people to leave Long Island after school wraps up because living there is not as affordable when other areas are looked at in comparison. Those who possess jobs that don’t pay quite as well as they hope will seek opportunities somewhere else. This is an unfortunate truth but at least actions are being carried out in order to fix the housing situation in Long Island. BABB works on the conditions and renovations on Long Island, so perhaps the organization will emerge with positive results soon.

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