Four Everyday Boise Real Estate Agent Misnomers 2

With Boise real estate agents processing so many short sales these days, it is not surprising that many buyers are left with a negative impression. Add in the market troubles and you have many buyers waiting to buy! Finding a trustworthy real estate agent should not be that difficult, and it is not. Take a look at these valuable tips designed to help debunk fact from fiction.

Myth #1: Boise real estate agents are Always Late to Appointments

Most agents are responsible and do take your time and their as valuable and will not waste it. In fact, if you have an agent who can’t seem to make it to your appointments on time, it is time for you to look for someone who can. You can not be expected to accept excuses for that kind of stuff. Demand the respect you are owed.

Myth #2: Your real estate agent will have to change everything in their schedule to show you homes at the drop of a hat

With so many agents receiving their income from selling homes, they likelihood of having an agent refuse to show you a home is pretty low. Otherwise, the agent is under no obligation to show you anything. If any agent spends time with you before establishing a contractual relationship with you, they are risking losing you and their time, to any agent you choose.

Myth #3: Title companies and lender are in cahoots with agents

Agents cannot receive any pay from a third party to the purchase, so do not think that is a normal part of the business. The body of law that applies to this type of payment is called the “Real Estate Settlement & Procedures Act” and it has been on the books since 1974. While there may be some unscrupulous agents who still take kickbacks, most would not risk losing their license for a little extra money.
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Myth #3: If the agent finds the home inspector, his report will show favor for it

You would be strapped to find an agent who would willingly aim for an incorrect home inspection report, or would try to cover up any key information from it. A high percentage of agent want, first and foremost, what is the best thing for their customers. With the real estate industry being so competitive, there is very few agents who could hack any bad reviews of their services. Second, Boise real estate agents don’t want to risk being sued by a client who believes material facts were not disclosed as required by the law. Every buyer should know all the facts surrounding a home purchase and that should not be impede by Boise real estate agents All the repairs that must be finished before closing have to be acknowledged and approved of prior to closing.

Myth #4: You Should Have Your Agent Tell You The Ethnicity Of People In The Area

Your agent cannot address the ethnic make up of your chosen area, nor can they comment on the predominant race in areas. Agents are not allowed to discuss anything remotely discriminatory, so do not even bring it up. The best advice is to find out about religious concerns from people at your church, synagogue or mosque, and to leave your agent completely out of the discussion altogether.

For good reason, agents cannot “guide” you with frightening statistics about teen rape, sex offender concentrations or rape statistics because it may lead you to buy in an area you cannot afford. Finding the important information is not hard as long as your Boise real estate agents office has that information on file and handy.

The author enjoys writing articles about Boise real estate agents & real estate agents in Boise Idaho. Click on the above links to learn more!

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