Finding The Time For A Walking Workout

Walking is a fantastic way to exercise. The large majority of us do it on a daily basis. Apart from a comfortable pair of shoes, it requires no special equipment – and you can fit it into your daily schedule whenever it’s convenient for you. There are no costly monthly membership fees to pay – so it’s also a very cost effective way to take exercise.

There are many health benefits associated with walking. It’s actually a little difficult to believe that such a readily available, low impact, low injury risk exercise technique can furnish all of the benefits generally attributed to walking. The key thing is consistency of course – regular low level exercise is much better for you than intermittent bursts of lung bursting physical activity.

Walking for thirty minutes, three or four times weekly, on a regular basis will soon generate results that you can feel and see. If you can build up to 10,000 steps daily – that’s between four and a half and five miles for the average stride length – then you will really start to reap the rewards.

There are any number of opportunities to get a little extra walking in each day. If you have the time to schedule in a thirty minute or one hour walking session then that’s ideal. However, if that’s not possible for you then don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to increase your daily step count.

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Take a ten or fifteen minute stroll around the block at lunchtime. You’ll have more energy, and you’ll be more mentally alert, throughout the course of the afternoon. Make the most of modern technology by walking around when you’re talking on your mobile or cordless phone. One fifteen minute phone call can allow you to fit an extra 1,000 steps into your day.

If the bulk of your walking activity is slotted into your day in discrete sections, then you may want to consider purchasing a pedometer – these are available starting at less than $10 these days. You can carry one of these in your pocket or attach it to your belt. It will let you track and record your progress in terms of the number of steps taken, the number of calories burned or the total distance covered. Keeping track of your progress like this might help to keep you motivated and will encourage you to look for other ways to build walking into your daily routine.

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