When we refer to LinkedIn automation, we are talking about a software plugin that you add to your web browser. This plug records the search string you set up in Sales Navigator or Advanced Search, then tells your browser to auto-visit all of the profiles.

You can visit a maximum of up to 800 profiles per day. The strategy works using the power of reciprocity and attraction. When you visit a large number of profiles, a certain percentage will visit you back to find you who you are. Then, if they are interested in connecting, they will send you a connection invitation.

Ideally, the people who view your profile and ask you to connect would be a match to your ideal target customers. The beauty of this strategy is you do the initial search, so you are defining the population of people (hmmm…your ideal customer profile, perhaps?) who might visit you back and invite you to connect.

You can’t just buy the browser plugin and start auto-visiting a ton of profiles and expect it to turn into new business.

LinkedIn automation doesn’t work on its own. You can’t just get a Chrome extension and start auto-visiting loads of profiles and expect to start automatically filling your pipeline with new leads.

Publishing good content on LinkedIn is very important. When somebody visits a bare profile with no Posts, there is nothing other than your Summary to tell them the value you provide. Having a few Posts with high quality images, catchy titles and helpful content on a topic of interest is ideal. This establishes your credibility and authority in your market, and makes you a valued resource, not just “some sales person”. Without content, visitors won’t see value in connecting with you and using automation won’t get the results you’re looking for.

A few other tactics are required to get your profile found and make it engaging to potential customers and clients. Without these in place, the critical step of a potential connection turning into a 1st-degree connection won’t happen.

Getting found in LinkedIn’s search engine is really important. This depends heavily on using the right keywords and getting endorsed for the right skills What keywords do your prospects use to search for what you sell? Those are the ones you should use throughout your profile. LinkedIn’s search engine uses brute force, so don’t be afraid to load up your profile, job descriptions, etc. with the keywords you want. Make sure you also have your visibility settings opened up so people can find and engage with you!
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Keywords and skill endorsements are important on LinkedIn. Without these LinkedIn’s search engine won’t return your profile when a potential buyer is looking for your product or service.

What keywords do your prospects use to search for what you offer? Make sure those keywords appear multiple times in your profile.

Most Sales Execs don’t have their profiles or content written correctly to be much use in attracting potential buyers. Ask yourself if your profile answers the questions market participants would normally ask about your product or service. You want to answer those questions and how you provide unique value in your market. Your perspective should be yourself using “I” rather than “my company” or “we”. Selling successfully on LinkedIn comes down to you the individual, not your company.

Consistency is crucial when using automation tools. This is a numbers game, so having a daily plan for content, engagements, messaging and auto-visiting profiles is important. It doesn’t have to take a lot of your day. Just schedule time each day or 3 times per week, whatever works for you.

It’s very valuable to have a daily checklist to support you and keep yourself on track. A consistent process can be rewarding, knowing you’re doing something that will maximize your investment in LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Automation can run in the background while you do outbound sales prospecting and manage client relationships. This is great, because you don’t want to stop a contract negotiation or important meeting just to turn automation on and off. It can run in parallel to your daily work, effectively becoming a separate lead generation channel.

Launching your own LinkedIn automation as a cohesive approach to sales you should take advantage of this FREE LinkedIn Daily Sales Checklist (click here)