Daily Archives: January 10, 2010

Quality buyers are worth their weight in gold. The buyer is vital to a profitable wholesaling career so make sure you put a lot of effort into building a list of people who are eager and able to take deals off your hands as soon as you get them. The question is, How do I find a "quality buyer?" Here are four important questions to ask your potential buyer. The more qualified this list the more money you will make and the less problems you will have closing deals.

Finding Quality Buyers For Your Real Estate Deals

The term 'Aikido' is created by the grouping of three characters in the Japanese language. 'Ai', which signifies 'joining'; 'ki', which means 'spirit' and 'do', which means 'way'. These three words actually encapsulate the essence of Aikido as a sort of martial art: 'the joining of the spirit to find the way'. It was only in the period from 1930's to the 1940's that the name Aikido was formally accepted as the name of this martial art variety.

The Beginnings of Aikido