Wooden Window Restoration And Repairing Broken Glass

When the paint on your old wooden windows is peeling, and the glass is broken, along with the elements having gotten the best of your home, wooden window restoration is a solution to bringing back the life of the windows and your house.

And the supplies you will need do not cost much. You will soon see that your efforts are paid off with newer looking windows for your home.

If the frame and sills are worn and weathered due to the harsh elements of your area, whether it be extreme heat, moisture or cold, it is usually due to neglect from the last owner.

If your wood still looks like it is in good shape, perhaps it just needs cleaning. This can be done with scrapers of different types. Just scrape at the old putty and remove it. If there is broken glass, this will need to be carefully removed, as well. Sometimes sanding is needed. It will make for a much smoother surface for your paint later. The new putty will stick better to fresh, clean wood, so you will need to prepare the bare wood for that with primer. It can be water or oil based.

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The glass is ready to install after the primer is dry. Putty and glazing points are your primary concern at this stage of the game. The putty should be put on in thin beads, and the glazing points will need to be a couple or inches or so on all the sides of the window and near the corners. After the putty is placed on it as well, press gently but firmly to set the glass in place. Scrape off the excess putty, and let your window sit for a few days to let the putty dry. When you are ready to paint, tape off the edges to protect the glass from excess paint, and paint the wood of your window.

That is it. You are finished. And that was not such a tedious job, after all. Now if you maintain your windows, you will no longer need wooden window restoration in the future, or at least not for a long time.

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