Think about Energy in Your New home

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If you’re searching to purchase a new house, you’re looking at the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and the size of the family room. The location, property and community are important to you. But how much time did you spend thinking about energy?

New construction houses, such as new real estate in Commack New York, tend to be far more energy efficient than older houses . Older homes simply were not designed to be energy efficient.

When you look for a new home, you should look for an Energy Star rated house . In general, Energy Star homes are 30% more efficient than older homes . This energy efficiency will keep you warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer and save you money every month on your utilities.

Many of the energy Star features are cultivated by the builder during the construction phase. High quality insulation, for example, keeps out drafts and helps your house retain heat in the winter time. An attention to detail in avoiding gaps and cracks in the framing, walls and ceilings, can make a tremendous difference. A space of just 1/4 inch to the outside can cause your home to leak air like a balloon with a small hole. An airtight construction is very important.

In addition to the construction, appliance decisions can have a direct effect on your electric bills. You should pick energy Star rated appliances, including the refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, microwave, washer and dryer. If your house includes air-conditioning, you should only select one with a top energy Star rating.

On the heating side, you’ll want a system with an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency Rating of 90 or greater. On the cooling side, your air conditioning system should have a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating of 12+ to be Energy Star efficient.

Other features can also aid the efficiency in your home include digital thermostats with timers, outdoor lighting with timers or light sensors, room switches with motion sensors and similar choices to aid ensure that you are not wasting electricity. Of course, you should try to remember to turn off the lights, but having technology aid you in case you forget will save you money and decrease waste.

When it is time to resell your home, energy-efficient homes are more attractive. One of the great upsides of new construction, such as the Emmy homes project in Commack NY, is that if you resell in five or nine years, you will be offering an efficient home as opposed to an older home which is less efficient. This can not only increase the resale price but also the ease of selling your home .

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