The Fundamentals of Tennis.

I trust that this, my initial piece will be found useful by both novices and experts alike in the tennis world. I am trying to arouse interest in the student of the game of tennis by a somewhat lengthy discussion of match play, which I trust will cast a new light on the game of tennis.

I will address the novice in my opening article and speak of certain things which are second nature to the skilled player. The best tennis equipment is not much good to the beginner even if he really wants to succeed. However, one has to buy good quality; it is a saving in the end, as high quality goods far outlasts poor quality equipment.

It is important to always dress in tennis attire when playing tennis. The question of choosing a tennis racquet is a much more serious matter. I do not advocate forcing a certain make of racquet upon any player, since all the standard brands are excellent. However, it is on the weight, balance, and size of handle that the real value of a racquet frame depends, while good stringing is essential to obtain the best results.

After having selected your racquet, make a firm resolve to use only good tennis balls, as a consistent bounce is a great aid to advancement, while a “dead” ball is of no use at all. If you really want to succeed at the game and progress rapidly, I strongly advise you to see all the good tennis you can. Observe the play of the top players and try to emulate their play. Read all the tennis instruction manuals you can get your hands on. They are a great assistance.

More tennis can be picked up off the court, in the study of theory, and in watching the best players in action, than can ever be learned in actual play. I do not mean miss opportunities to play tennis. Far from it. Play whenever you can, but strive when playing to put in practice the theories you have read or the strokes you have seen.

Never let yourself become discouraged by slow progress. The way of playing some stroke you have worked at over weeks unsuccessfully, will suddenly come to you when least expected. Good tennis players are the product of very hard work. Very few players are born geniuses at the game. Tennis is a game that pays you interest all your life. A tennis racquet is a letter of introduction in any town.

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The following order of development produces the quickest and most lasting results: 1. Concentration on the game. 2. Keep the eye on the ball. 3. Foot-work and weight-control. 4. Strokes. 5. Court position. 6. Court generalship or match play. 7. Tennis psychology.

Concentration. Tennis is played primarily with the mind. The most perfect racquet technique in the world will not be enough if the directing mind is erring. There are many reasons for a distracted mind in a tennis match. The chief one is loss of interest in the game. No one should play tennis with any hope of real success unless he cares enough about the game to be willing to do the spadework necessary to learn the game correctly.

Give it up at once unless you are willing to work hard. Conditions of play or the noises in the gallery often confuse and bewilder experienced match-players playing in new surroundings. Complete concentration on the matter in hand is the only remedy for a wandering mind, and the sooner the lesson is learned the quicker the improvement of the player.

The surest way to keep a match in focus is to go for every set, every game in the set, every point in the game and, eventually, every shot in the point. A set is merely a conglomeration of made and missed shots, and the man who misses the least is the final winner.

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