The Case For A Radon Inspection

Most Americans know that exposure to radon is not good for the body, and can lead to an increased chance for lung cancer and other related diseases. What most Americans don’t realize is that one of the places you can be exposed to radon over and over is your own home. Read on and find out why you want a Long Island home inspector to carry out a thorough radon inspection in your home as soon as it can be done.

Radon gas is the result of the natural breakdown of uranium deposits in soil and water. This radioactive gas will typically then rise into the Earth’s atmosphere and dissipate, rendering it harmless to humans. But, if it slips into the home through a crack or a hole in the foundation it will become trapped inside. The levels rise in your home and the risk to you and your family increases.

How can one discover the levels of radon gas in one’s own home? A radon inspection is the only way to find out. Radon is colorless and odorless, so there is no way you can detect it with your own senses. Only qualified Long Island home inspectors can carry out this task for you.

Radon is not limited to just certain areas. The EPA has spent the past ten years recording thousands of incidents involving elevated levels of radon in homes all across the country. Radon can be found in any location. The EPA estimates that 1 out of every 15 homes in the United States has elevated levels.

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Please remember that the age of your home may have no bearing on the level of radon gas inside. All manner of homes have had high radon levels detected inside them. The house could be new or old, sealed up tight or drafty; the age and condition of the home will have virtually no effect on the presence of radon.

Does radon gas have you worried? You should worry about it. For the sake of your family, have a radon inspection carried out by a professional NY home inspector today.

IN-SPEC Property has supplied great radon inspection reports to Long Island for years. Go to their website and get an expert Long Island home inspector sent out to you soon. This article, The Case For A Radon Inspection is available for free reprint.