The Basic Principles Of Green Home Building

Here are the fundamentals green home building. Site location is a critical decision facing the architect. Site location and issues surrounding it will effect the use of solar and wind energy sources. The basic systems that constitute a house are heating and cooling, electrical systems, and plumbing. Each of these systems must have a philosophy of design that promotes sustainability and keeps the environment clean.

At this point in the development of the technology, the promising heating and cooling systems are solar, variable speed heat pumps, and wind power. Current federal tax law provides tax credits for the installation of energy efficient equipment and construction material. All beneficial tax provisions should be used. All home builders should constantly monitor federal and state tax laws. Appropriate use of state and federal tax provisions make the installation of energy efficient equipment and designs cost effective.

Photovoltaic cells and wind power are the best techniques currently available for electrical supply. Arrays of photovoltaic cells are placed on roof tops. Wind turbines are also mounted on the roof. These systems are connected to the electrical grid. Excess energy is sold back to the utility company. The use of low energy LED and compact fluorescent lighting whenever possible is encouraged.

The plumbing system should reduce water consumption. Rainwater can be collected to be used in toilets, washing machines, and dishwashers. Install on-demand water heating systems that use boost pumps. Water can be heated using a roof top thermal solar array. Only use low flow shower heads, faucets and toilets.

Minimize wood usage and at the same time increase insulation area. Create a sealed thermal envelope. Use structured insulated panels, which will increase home energy efficiency. Concrete walls should be of poured concrete with conditioned, sealed crawl spaces. With a sealed thermal envelope you will see your energy bill go down. You will find that the investment of energy efficient systems and environmentally friendly designs will save you a ton of money over the long run.
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Incorporate the latest architectural designs that promote energy efficiency and sustainability. Site orientation is a very important factor to get the most potential from alternative energy systems and green building materials. Some other important issues that only an experienced architect can handled are window placement and design and roof design. These are all critical to achieving the principles of green building techniques.

The goal of attaining the highest degrees of energy efficiency is dependent upon proper insulation. The home will be wrapped in a thermal envelope. Open cell foam, which is sprayed into wall cavities, joist areas, roof decks and other areas, will seal these types of structural areas. The smaller gaps and slits left over from framing the home are also sealed using open cell foam. Structured insulated panels provide excellent level of insulation.

When selecting a builder to construct your new home, choose one who follows these fundamentals of green home building. We all must do what we can to reverse the very real problems of global climate change. Encourage sustainability and energy independence by building a environmentally friendly home.

Thomas Bleier is a professional carpenter and green building enthusiast. In a addition to writing about green home building, Thomas also covers urban gardening, permaculture, and clean energy.