
The evolution of a town is always a delicate act, as much art as commerce. A town that has been established for one reason may find the need to explore other options as times change, which inevitably, of course, they do. But the way a town changes is a thing well worth paying attention to, because it says a lot about the changes in our culture at large.

The quiet city of Hoquiam recognizes the past and its ...

Towns sometimes seem to grow all on their own, to become their own people, so to speak, practically independent of the people living in them. This is of course only an illusion, but the way time and culture shape a town, especially a small one, says a lot about the culture at large, and about the people who are shaping it, day by day, through thousands and thousands of decisions large and small. Sometimes, though, it is necessary to make a decision on some big changes.

The Minute Logging Town Of Hoquiam Thinks About The Future ...

A town inevitably to form and transform to survive, and frequently this can be a tough matter. Regularly a town is settled for one selected purpose and then, years later, finds it necessarily to learn a new trick in order to remain viable, which is inevitable. And the fashion a city does this is very pertinent, for it says as much about the times we're all existing in as about the way a city makes decisions.

The Fine Metropolitan Of Hoquiam Takes Stock In The Past ...