Step One on the Road to Riches

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Here is an outline of the strategy we use to create wealth; this is the first article of many.

Start with the income you have currently. Usually, this is in the form of a paycheck from a job. Some people own their own job. Where your money comes from does not matter. What does matter is how much you receive and how much you spend.

Your Income – you need to be able to cover your living expenses. This article assumes that most of you can do this.

Your Spending – a lot of people have difficulty with this one.

Step one:

Lower your expenses down as far as possible, but keep them realistic. If this means selling your home and living in a studio or one bedroom apartment, so be it. The only exceptions are people who have unique circumstances, such as those with paid off homes or those living on military bases.

Stick to cars like Honda Civics or Toyota Corollas; you want to make sure that you are driving both a reliable and an economic vehicle. Reserve dining at restaurants only for special occasions or when no other option is available.

Eat cheap, but do not sacrifice nutrition. Take inexpensive vacations. Wear nice but cheap clothes; do not buy ones that will fall apart quickly.

Having a television is a personal choice; some need it for enjoyment, but others can do without it.

Do not forget recreation! You cannot forget to enjoy yourself. Many people have difficulty keeping themselves in check. Try to tell the difference between impulsively spending money and enjoying yourself. There are many things you can do to enjoy yourself that don’t cost a lot of money, such as hiking, reading, watching the television, etc.

In a nutshell, spend as little as you can.

Don’t just simply buy the cheapest thing; buy the most economical thing. Think of how long a particular product will last per dollar spent.

Consumer Reports, which is both a magazine and a website, is a great place to find reviews on various household items.

Basically, spend as little as you can, but do not starve yourself, sit around bored, or lose your friends. Do, however, cut your costs as much as you can.

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