Slimming – Lose 10 Pounds Quickly – Considered

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Doctors talk about our body mass index when they refer to weight issues. A healthy index is anywhere between eighteen and a half and twenty five. Above twenty five, and we have a problem with our weight. Furthermore we’re defined as obese and morbidly obese respectively if we rise above first thirty and then forty.

A simple calculation can be done to work out your BMI. Using metric readings, take your current weight and height. Take your metric height and square it. Then divide the answer by how many kilos you weigh.

To illustrate: you are 1.65m in height, so take 1.65 x 1.65 and you get 2.72. You weigh 82 kilos, so it’s 82 / 2.72 which is 30.15. In that example, you would be considered obese and therefore should look to changing your eating habits and exercise regime.

We can’t lose weight if we continue to consume foods highly saturated in fats and sugars (save for the odd treat now and again!). We can lose weight by eating more healthily, and eating less. Then the fat that’s previously entered our system will be converted into energy.

However, it’s not advisable to go full out on the latest fad or crash diet that is likely to simply depress you. A crash diet is any eating programme with less than 1200 – 1500 calories a day. Such ‘instant remedies’ may produce some results, but it’s likely the weight will flood back on.

It takes re-education and time to achieve lasting results. Cut back your calorie consumption to 75 percent of what you eat now, and you should see a few pounds come off every month. So not the un-realistic promises fed to you from the instant remedy brigade, but a real solution to help you stay out of the danger zones.

Fat-laden food tends to contain the highest calories. A great way to reduce your calorific intake therefore is to lower your consumption of food that’s high in fat. Replace fatty food with more fibre, from wholegrains, fruit and veg. These changes won’t show rapid weight loss, but you’ll soon feel the benefits of your healthier diet.

Avoid skipping meals – this really doesn’t help with calorie reduction. (Missed meals usually lead to high-calorie grazing). A number of lighter meals throughout the day is better in reality. It’s more difficult to get the weight off when you feel half-starved. The body metabolises more when it receives frequent healthy portions of food. This leads to an efficient system of weight loss.

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