Real Estate Postcard Marketing Tip: Double Your Efforts When Choosing Mailing Lists

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The most common mistake committed by investors for their initial marketing campaign is the failure to recognize the importance of mailing list. If you want your real state investing firm to gain more customers, you must take notice of this.

A good mailing list is an integral part in the success of a direct marketing campaign. Every experienced marketing professional already know this for a fact. They highly prioritize the process of choosing their mailing lists aside from the basic focus on their headlines and offers.

Hardly, every successful direct mail marketer knows that the mailing list is the vehicle upon which his success rises or falls. Oh, it’s a ton more fun talking about copy and headlines and offers. And this is indeed the creative side of the business. But every single person who has made a fortune in direct mail harbors this secret that few dare repeat.

When working on your real estate direct mails, you should allocate 40% of your time and energy in crafting your offer; 20% should be allocated for design and content; and the last 40% to analyzing what mailing lists to choose and how to further refine it.

This is a vital direct marketing tenet that some real estate investors learn too late.

So in order to select the mailing list that targets your market, you need to ask some questions. Specifically, use some of these the next time you speak with your list broker:

Ask all the right questions. Don’t just take his generalization that this list is right for you. It may very well could be, but discover the last time it was updated (a good broker updates a minimum of once every three months) How did they create this list in other words, what sources did they use in pulling these names together. Does the list contain duplicates? And if it does can your broker eliminate them for you? What are the formats you can receive this material in, CDs, internet downloads, emails, labels?

Keep learning about your customer. Your success in picking a high quality mailing list is only limited by your knowledge about your customer. No matter how experienced your data broker is, additional information from you about your customer is crucial to helping them build a better list.

Some of the things you should know are the demographics of your target customers, their common interests, habits, location, and etc.

Now you at least have a slight idea about how much work you’ll need to put into the selection of your next selection of names. And for you to experience success, it may be more time and effort than you originally thought.

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