Rank Higher With Do It Yourself Seo

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Create Social Networking Profiles: On a weekly basis, create 1-2 profiles on social media sites. Find sites in your niche or industry, as well as sites that have a high PageRank and can bring in relevant traffic. Once you’ve found reputable sites, build html backlinks from those sites back to your web site. (Weekly)

Q&A: Monitor Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers and WikiAnswers for questions relevant to your industry. Respond to those questions as a way to establish yourself as an authority in your niche and to build links and traffic to your web site. (Daily)

Social Bookmarking: After you’ve created quality content on your site, bookmark the content on high traffic and relevant social bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking should be done with every post you believe is of the highest quality, and really, shouldn’t all your content be high quality? (Per Post)

Buzz: Monitor the keywords you’ve selected to target and respond every time those keywords are mentioned in blog posts, forums, twitter status updates, or articles on the web. Blog commenting, forum responses, and social networking commenting are tasks you should be doing on a daily basis. (Daily)

Content Generation: Write how-to and informative articles and post them on high PageRank and highly trafficked sites. In the resource box, link back to your web site with one or two keywords. Monitor social networking sites, industry newsletters, and google blogs for ideas for new content. (Weekly)

Competitive Backlink: Monitor your competition and the backlinks they are building. Every time you get an alert (or manually check) that a new backlink is created, try to procure a backlink from that web site to your site. (Weekly)

Directory Submission: Find relevant directories that you can submit your web site to. Directories should have a high PageRank and include categories that are relevant to your niche. (Weekly)

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