Ladies Wide Fitting Shoes – 3 Reasons You Should Wear Shoes That Are The Proper Size

Are you wondering if you should wear ladies wide fitting shoes? There are many women that are not sure if wide shoes are crucial. I am going to show you 3 reasons you should wear shoes that are the correct size in this article.

ladies wide fitting shoes

If you are like me then at first you may not have wanted to acknowledge that you had wide feet. I didn’t even like to go shoe shopping with my pals since they had these little size 4 narrow shoes and I would whisper that I needed a size 9 wide or I would try to ram my foot into something smaller just to fit in. This was not a great idea.

Reason #1 – Hammertoes

I am sure that you have seen a person sporting flip flops and noticed that their toes were bent around to the side or they seemed to coil under. This is commonly known as the hammertoe. This condition is developed when you either wear shoes that are too narrow or too tiny for you.

Reason #2 – Bad Circulation

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Reason #3 – Corns

There are many ladies that have gotten corns on the side of their feet from wearing too narrow of a shoe. Corns are not at all attractive and they frequently show up on your small toe.

ladies wide fitting shoes

Make sure that you are kindly to your feet. You only get one pair of feet in your life time, if you do not take care of your feet you may just find yourself sitting for longer than you may enjoy.

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