How A Non Profit Credit Consolidation Company Can Assist You

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Are you buried so deeply in debt that you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel? Are you so far behind on your car payment or your house payment that you’re in danger of losing them? If you are then now is the time that you should take action before they come and repossess your car or you move into foreclosure on your house, or even have to file for bankruptcy.

Nonprofit credit card counseling debt consolidation companies might be the answer for you to get out from underneath the burden of all the crushing debt that has you bound up and unable to breathe.

You ask what a credit card counseling debt consolidation non profit company can do for you? Let me count the ways. 1. They will help you to eliminate your credit card debt by as much as 70%2. All the phone calls from collection agencies will cease. 3. Your bills will be consolidated into one easy payment that will be paid monthly. 4. Instantly reduce your debt and interest charges. 5. Credit Counselors will work with your creditors to bring down your payments. 6. You won’t have to be stressed out anymore about making all of those payments because the credit counseling company will send out the disbursements for you. 7. You pay one payment to the company and they will see that your bills are paid on time. 8. You won’t be left in the dark has each month you will receive a statement that includes Bill payment times and amounts. 9. Your creditors will also send these statements.

The annual interest rate on credit cards is normally between 18 and 24% If you decide to only make the payments on credit card in 30 years you will still be paying for them. In most instances when you take advantage of the services that a credit card counseling debt consolidation company offers that can eliminate your interest rates and in most cases the late fees as well Your creditors will get their money and you will save or at least repair your credit rating. It is a win-win situation for everybody and the span of time that you are in debt gets dramatically reduced.

As with all things of such importance, you need to make sure and do your homework before you sign any agreement with any company offering you debt relief. On occasion it has happened that some of these companies have defrauded their clients by using the money paid as a fee for themselves instead of using it to reduce the debt. Others have been late on payments and their clients have paid the price by having their credit destroyed.

Make sure you are clear about how much they will charge for a fee. You will also need to make it clear that you expect the money to be disbursed to your creditors as soon as they receive it. Consolidating your debts can be a real blessing but you need to make sure that what she wanted stated clearly and you need to be sure what the company’s methods of business are.

In the long run, as long as you are aware of the problems with some of these companies you have the advantage. A credit card counseling debt consolidation nonprofit company with a good reputation, has the ability to get you back on track with your credit and help you to solve any of the other financial problems that you are suffering from.

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