Energy Efficiency in Your Home

It is possible for you to save up to forty percent of the energy your home uses compared to the average house in North America. You should consider an energy plan to make your home more economical and environmentally friendly.

Heating your home constitutes your largest energy expenditure. Even a little conservation of heating fuel goes a long way toward achieving a lower utility bill. Dialing down the thermostat one degree during the winter can result in about 1 to 3 percent less fuel use, and a similar reduction in your heating bill. Your furnace should be cleaned, lubricated and have regular maintenance to ensure it is running at its peak efficiency. A dirty air filter can make your furnace run longer to heat your home and should be replaced on a regular basis. Setting back your thermostat at night or when nobody is home will also add to your savings.

Save over fifty percent of your laundry costs by using a front loading washer. Save another eighty to ninety percent of energy by using cold water for washing. Always wash a full load of washing to prevent wasting energy and water.

You can make a lot of progress toward improving the energy efficiency in your home by simply plugging the many places through which air can get in or get out. Plugging your home is called “air sealing,” and it is one of the most important first steps to take when weatherizing your house to increase its energy efficiency.our windows and doors allow a lot of energy to escape which is costing you money. Ensure all your window frames, door frames and sills are caulked using a silicone based sealant. Make sure your heat registers are not being blocked by furniture.
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Your water heater is the next largest home energy load after heating and cooling. To reduce water heating energy use ensure your water heater’s thermostat is set to 120F . Improvements such as installing low-flow faucets and shower heads, and insulating hot water pipes will also help you save money on water heating.

Most central air conditioning units last about 20 years. At 12 years old, your air conditioning unit is passing its mid-life point. Even if your air conditioner is only 10 years old, you may save 20-40 percent of your cooling energy costs by replacing it with a newer, more efficient model. When replacing your central air conditioning unit, look for a SEER of at least 15. A variable speed air handler for new ventilation systems is best, but two-speed is still much more efficient than single speed.

Learn about Barrie Home Inspection Information. Stop by The Barrie Home Inspector’s site where you can find out all about the Barrie Home Inspection Services you will need.