Energy Efficiency Ideas To Save You Money

With heating costs going up, energy efficiency has once again become a hot topic. There are many steps that you can do to make sure that you are maximizing the electricity that you use and cut down on the electricity you are wasting. This article will address some ways you can save some money and help the environment.

If you are looking to save money on your power bill, consider turning down the thermostat a few degrees. Another good idea is don’t leave the heat on in the house when you are not going to be home. Heating an empty house is wasting energy and money that could be spent else where. You can also install a programmable thermostat.

If you have the old style aluminum framed windows, a great deal of heat could be escaping out the window every day. It would be wise to switch to vinyl windows which can keep the warm air in your house. By placing heavy drapes and curtains up, you can also save a great deal of energy.

If you haven’t already, switch to fluorescent bulbs. The new light bulbs that are out are much more energy savvy and can end up cutting your electric bill. Remember to turn lights out as you leave a room. Unplug major appliances that you don’t use all the time. Install power strips so that you can switch off electronics that could be draining power all night long when plugged in and not in use.

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A lot of people forget to replace the various filters in their home. You need to check the condition of them and replace them as needed. Make sure that there is good air-flow so that your heating and cooling systems can work at their maximum output. Try turning down your water heater by a few degrees, too.

You can increase the energy efficiency around your house by making a few small changes. If we all do our part, we can cut down on the amount of electricity used and help save the planet. Many of these changes will benefit you. It can be fun watching the power bill decrease each month. Turn it into a family game to see how low you can go.

Learn more about energy efficiency around the home now in our comprehensive overview of NABERS and everything you need to know about NABERS ratings.