Definition, Causes And Treatment Of Alopecia In Women

For women, their hair is their crowning glory. It helps them put on the best lift they can give their face that fits with the facial type. Women’s hair help accentuate the best feature of their face with different hairstyles that can be worked on. But what happens when a woman’s hair is receding? Although it’s not a very common problem, hair loss in women can also take place due to some biological and environmental reasons. The medical term for baldness is alopecia. It got its name from the Greek name of fox, “alopex.” Foxes are observed to have mange or thinning of fur when distressed with skin problems.

Alopecia may be permanent or temporary, based on the pattern occurring. The most common one is androgenetic alopecia, which occurs gradually but stays permanently. This pattern is a combination of androgens (the male hormones) and genetics. Alopecia areata is another form of hair thinning that normally grows back. The most common one is telogen effluvium – a rapid shedding of hair after fever, weight loss, and childbirth. Finally, traction alopecia occurs from certain hairstyles like ponytails and tight braids.

There are fairly a couple of factors to sudden hair loss in women. Hormone-related issues is one; thyroid gland problems, is another; surgery and radiation therapy, like chemo are another big factors that contribute to baldness; while stress is probably the most common reason. Some ladies in their early 30’s encounter this problem, due to a genetic pattern or by a hair chemical treatment. In general, women start to experience alopecia in their 50’s.

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The type of sudden hair loss in women that are due to sickness, childbirth, and radiation therapy do not necessarily need treatment as the hair normally grows back once the medical condition stabilizes. Head coverings like hat and wig may be temporarily used to cover baldness. Hair loss brought on by age, hormones and genes may be treated with topical or oral medications. Hair transplants are not a medication, but an option to take to if hair loss is greatly affecting the psyche of a woman. This process is costly and painful, but the outcomes are usually permanent.

In case that the content above helped you and you want to learn about the subject given, visit sudden hair loss in women and causes of hair loss in women over 50