Curb Appeal Is More Than Just Cleaning Off Roof Mold

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Maybe you’re having a difficult time trying to sell your house because the offers aren’t exactly flooding in. It’s easy to heap blame on the terrible real estate market, and I wouldn’t blame you for doing so. But have you considered the possibility that your curb appeal is virtually non-existent?

You’ve most likely mowed and trimmed the grass. It’s also possible that you’ve planted a few plants and put down fresh mulch. There’s a lot more you can do, however, much of which may never have occurred to you.

First and foremost, you should have a professional clean the black roof mold from your shingles. More accurately called roof algae, these stains can often be so bad that they prevent a potential buyer from even getting out of their car. No matter how beautiful the rest of your home’s exterior, a stain-covered roof can completely ruin your curb appeal.

Speaking of cleaning, have you taken the time to clean the siding and windows? When I’m walking up to someone’s front door as a potential homebuyer the last thing I want to see is mildew-covered siding or dirty windows. An afternoon spent cleaning these surfaces is always time well spent.

Pressure washing your driveway and walkways is another easy way to clean up your home’s appearance. Most people don’t realize how dirty their concrete areas are. A good pressure cleaning, though, can make a huge difference in brightening it up.

Trimming the trees in the front yard is often a wise move. Many people have a special fondness for the trees in their yard, but this shouldn’t be a reason to let them grow out of control. Any low-hanging branches should be clipped so that the whole front of the house is viewable from the street.

Finally, consider painting the shudders a new color or replacing them entirely. I’ve seen many otherwise good-looking homes that had their curb appeal decimated by shudders that were odd tones of brown, purple, or orange. Remember that they ought to flatter the rest of the home’s colors, not contrast with them.

By implementing these easy changes in your home’s look you could swiftly see much more interest in your home. Keep in mind the fact that buyers are looking for incredibly clean and appealing curb appeal when they pull up to a house. Even the slightest of exterior visual deficiencies could persuade them to move on without even coming inside.

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