Construction Types Commonly Used Today

Housing styles vary according to their architecture. You have Ranch style houses, Tudors, Moderns and many others. These different architectural types can be constructed using a variety of construction methods. This all depends on what kind of material you want to use for building your house. Depending on the house that you want to build there will be a corresponding type of construction that is suited for it. Read on to learn about three house construction types being used today.

Number one is the Wood Framed Construction. There is a majority of people who says that this is probably the easiest type of construction that can be done for houses. Another good thing is that the material is always available to purchase in the market and can be customized for the house owner. One downside to using wood though is that it is prone to termite infestation and can rot after a few years.

Next in line is the steel stud construction. This is the second most common framing for houses today. This second type and the first one is basically the same but differs in the materials which are used particularly steel and screws in place of wood and nails. You will love the fact that this second type is not prone to water damages and termite infestation.

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You have just read some of the construction types being used for houses today. There are still some construction types that you can read in the internet. You can ask your contractor about the different construction types even before you start building your house. Make it a point to hire professional contractors since they will know what to do and use for the house that you have in mind. You will be able to receive professional advice when you lay down the details that you want for your house.

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