Being A Vegetarian – Pros And Cons

If you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian, then you must be wondering about the pros and cons of doing so. There are different methods of looking at this. On the macro or global scale, you as an individual, by giving up eating meat, will personally save the lives and suffering of all the animals that you would have eaten, if you had not given up.

On the other hand, a few hundred animals during quite a number of years will not make much difference to the animal population. What is more, with the Chinese and Indian populations becoming richer, it is almost guaranteed that they will be eating more and more meat in the near future. You will be doing your piece though.

However, on the micro, or personal level, becoming a vegetarian will transform your life. Those who believe in detox diets say that lots of the toxins that they say build up in our bodies come from the hormones, pesticides and antibiotics that are in meat yet ought not to be.

Meat, eggs and dairy products are a Westerners foremost sources of cholesterol and fat and cholesterol and fat are blamed for being the foremost contributor to the West’s principal killer – heart disease.

It is a fact that there are other reasons for heart disease, but it has been estimated that vegetarians have about a quarter of their meat-eating compatriots’ chances of having a heart attack. This appears significant, yet the difference between vegans and meat-eaters is even more glaring at one tenth the likelihood.

So, it appears to count what kind of vegetarian you are, because many vegetarians still eat fish, eggs and cheese and drink milk. However, by giving up meat alone, you will miss out on lots of the chemicals that farmers pump into their meat and poultry.
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For instance, preservatives are consideration to be linked to some cancers; growth hormones given to animals have an effect on our own hormones yet numerous crowd merely cannot digest milk, which causes the production of mucous yet can give rise to digestive concerns

On the negative side, you will have to learn a whole new system of providing your body with the nutrients but vitamins that it needs. Meat is a concentrated form of food but only eating a regular western meat and two vegetables type meal without the meat will soon get boring yet land you in hot water.

Malnutrition is the biggest danger that novice vegetarians have to be wary of. Obviously, it is not so a problem to get hold of knowledge to help you get your vegetarian diet right as it used to be and there is a vast choice of foodstuffs on hand for the contemporary vegetarian, yet they are not all cheap, so cutting out meat will probably not save you much money.

At the end of the day, becoming a vegetarian is a highly personal affair. It is between you and your conscience, but doing the right thing will make your life more difficult, as does attempting any lifestyle change, yet you will find it simpler as you get into the swing of things.

Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on a number of topics, but is now involved with detox diet menus. If you want to know more, please visit our site at