About Stress Headaches

I’m sure we all realize what stress is and how we react when we are experiencing a stressful period. Some individuals can cope excellently with the stresses that obstacles bring with them. Other people are overwhelmed by the tremendous strain that they are under. In some people this strain manifests itself in the form of stress headaches.

Stress-related headaches are primarily a result of excessive amounts of stressful situations; ie more than anyone would normally find themselves involved with. The ability to deal with these obstacles slowly diminishes and then stress starts to take its toll on them and a stress headache can develop.

Sometimes, having other kinds of headache can cause stress headaches just because we have to deal with the headache and get on with our daily life. As the pain from the headache gradually takes over our life, we begin to feel stressed and unable to cope. All of these headaches (including stress headaches) can be treated safely and, in some cases, prevented from occurring again with the correct medication.

There are other methods of dealing with stress headaches apart from using drugs. These other methods include: cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy and physical therapy.

Cognitive therapy seeks to “redirect” a stress headache. In this method of treatment, the person is taught how they can recognize what triggers the stress symptoms and how they can change their response to these situations.
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Behavioural therapy is the next way of treating stress headaches. When people feel overwhelmed by a situation, they try coping with their headache by taking medication, alcohol, over-the-counter tranquilizers, pain medications and some people also take street drugs. As taking these substances can only offer temporary help, it is better to provide the means to build a healthy lifestyle, which can help that person to cope better with their stress headaches.

Physical therapy tries using biofeedback responses. Individuals, who experience stress headaches, are taught to be aware of and minimize the amount of physical tension in their bodies. The techniques that are recommended for this method are muscle relaxation, deep breathing, yoga and other self-relaxation techniques. It is easy to see what effect these measures have on patients of stress headaches, as these techniques relax the body.

The different methods of therapy that were just mentioned are all interrelated. Using all three of these therapy techniques, in addition to headache medication, provides the sufferer with a form of relief that will help them for the rest of their lives and not just the short time when they are suffering from a stress headache.

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