About Chronic Tension Headaches

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There is a fairly good chance that someone you know has had some kind of headache recently, just because there are so many different sorts of headaches around. These types of headache may be the result of dehydration, missed meals, migraines or other types of headache like a tension headache or even a chronic tension headache.

A tension headache can feel like a tight rubber band around your head, however, the pain from tension headaches goes away after a short time. But just think about having to suffer from a tension headache every day – for weeks. This kind of tension headache is called a chronic tension headache because the pain may be experienced at least 15 days a month for a period of several months.

In the case of chronic tension headaches, the symptoms of the headache are similar to those of tension headaches, except for the fact that the pain never really seems to go away. People who have experienced chronic tension headaches describe the pain as if they were wearing a pressure band around their heads. Other people may describe severe chronic tension headache pain as a hooded cape that drapes down onto their shoulders.

In the case of both tension headaches and chronic tension headaches, the pain can be located at the forehead region, sides of the head and sometimes even at the back of the head. At its usual strength the chronic tension headache is a dull, aching pain, although sometimes the pain is like a pressurized tightness. Generally the pain is mild to moderately intense.

The severity of the pain varies with the general physical condition of the individual concerned and it can also vary with the various kinds headaches. Many people begin to experience chronic tension headaches the moment they wake up in the morning, although others have reported that their chronic tension headaches start in the early hours of the morning.

Normal tension headaches are more common than chronic tension headaches, however twice as many women as men suffer from chronic tension headaches. The duration and the severity of the pain is about the same as the normal variety in this sort of headache, however the pain from the chronic tension headache is almost a daily occurrence and is also continuous.

Individuals who get chronic tension headaches are thought to be more prone to anxiety and depression than non-sufferers of chronic tension headaches. It is also known that chronic tension headaches are more common during or after heightened periods of stress and anxiety. Anyone who has mood disorders like depression or anxiety should have these conditions treated prior to getting their chronic tension headache seen to.

People suffering from chronic tension headaches can lead pretty normal and fulfilling lives with the correct medication and treatment. Over time, they may come to understand what triggers their headaches and how avoiding these triggers can prevent the start of another bout of chronic tension headaches.

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