A Timeshare Presentation Survival Guide.

Have you ever attended a timeshare presentation? To be honest, I love them. I love sales presentations. Even before I owned one I had been to quite a few. They can be quite informative and of course you get the free gifts and sometimes even a fancy brunch and nice snacks. However, for others, it can also be a traumatic experience depending on the style of presentation. Because at some point you are sitting in front of a salesperson who is pitching the sale to you.

What exactly is a timeshare presentation?

Down to the nuts and bolts: It is nothing but a sales pitch by the timeshare companies to entice people into buying their timeshares. It begins with an invitation offering you an expensive free gift in return of attending the presentation. Now you go to the presentation thinking that there is no harm in attending and you get a free gift also in return, but you then realize that you may have made a huge mistake when you need to sit through an uncomfortable sales meeting.

I personally have been to probably five or six presentations. We did purchase one on the fifth, and I personally love our timeshare and am happy we purchased it. I want to say this because I think it will help with the context of my survival tips which are as follows.

1) Be rational

Any kind of sales that depends on emotion has a high likelihood for buyer’s remorse. If the sales plays on your emotion you may buy then and regret it later. Which of course means you will unfairly look down on timeshares when it was you that had given in in the first place. Know exactly what you are getting, know how much it costs, and then you can figure out if it is appropriate for you. Once you decide “no”, be business-like about it. Many times they will ask “Well, how much can you afford?”. You do not have to answer and simply say “Right now owning a timeshare is not in our plans. Maybe in the future, but not now so I would have to say we can’t afford it at all.” It may be easy to get emotional about it as they start to “waste your time”. Just remember you agreed to a free gift and in return you owe them some time. Be polite and business like and grateful for the “free” gift.

2) Be confident in your decision

If they start to sense you are wavering, they will keep you their longer and things may get more uncomfortable. Our third timeshare presentation we went to we already knew we were not going to buy. We honestly had no intention of buying and just wanted the $75 gift cards for a 60 minute presentation. I know that many people probably go in thinking this way and salespeople can “break that resistance down”. Be steadfast. When it came to the one-on-one sales, we were honest with the salesperson saying that we had no intention of buying. He still gave us his spiel but as we remained steadfast he could see that any time spent on us was wasted time and quickly got us our gift cards.
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3) Keep an open mind

An open mind will open opportunities to you. Realize that it is possible that what they are offering will be of interest to you. Going in with a closed mind will make you feel anxious when they start trying all their sales tactics. In the same way it will make a sales person anxious if all they wanted to do was present facts but you are being stubborn about it.

For the Hawaii timeshare we purchased, we had already talked about it before the timeshare presentation. We both fulfilled the necessary requirements: like to travel, enjoy being in Hawaii, could see ourselves being here every year or every other year, so let’s see now if the finances work. Do this for every timeshare presentation you see.

In the presentation a few years ago that offered us the $75 gift card, even though we knew the likelihood of our purchase was slim to none, we still had an open mind to see what was offered. As expected, we were not interested. However, in this second case for the Hawaii timeshare, we kept an open mind and open conversation (even in front of the sales person) and realized that it did make sense for us so we purchased. And we are very happy still about this purchase, but had we gone in with a closed mind we would have missed out on something which has enriched our lives.

Having an open and objective mind from the start I felt helped everyone be at ease. At a certain point in the sales presentation you will know if it is for you or not, and then from there just remain consistent with your choice which you made with an open mind.

In conclusion, think of buying an automobile. Some salespeople are intimidating and nasty, some salespeople are pleasant and courteous. Would you let a bad sales experience influence what you think of cars? Of course not! Cars are helpful for those who need them. Timeshares are the same: they can be a blessing for those that would benefit from owning one. So do your best to learn about timeshares prior to your meeting and how they could fit in your life. And to survive the timeshare presentation, just keep these tips in mind: be logical, be confident, and remain open minded. You will find the experience much more pleasant this way, and you may also find that owning a timeshare is for you.

Learn more about all things related to a timeshare: Stop by Emil Yau’s site where you can find out all about selling a timeshare and other useful timeshare information