A Home Purchases Is Still A Solid Long Term Investment

During the last decade it seemed as if real estate increased in value at a rate exceeding inflation. While that did happen for a short time, over the long run, it just doesn’t happen from 1896 to 1996, home prices increased at the rate of inflation. Home values never should have increased as fast as they did.

Many current home buyers are worried about real estate values falling further. Some people are fearful to buy because they don’t want to be “underwater” when prices drop. It is true that real estate values probably will decline in many areas, but that doesn’t mean that purchasing a house is still not a good long term investment.

Real Estate purchases are usually looked at from the perspective of the monthly payment. Because thirty years is so far away, new homeowners don’t even realize that they actually have the potential of eliminating the housing payment.

Not having a housing payment is an often neglected, but huge benefit of home ownership. If you had the choice between making a mortgage payment for 30 years, and owning an asset worth half a million dollars, or paying rent payments for 60 years, and having no housing asset what would you choose? How much additional money could you save, or would you have if you didn’t have to make a mortgage payment?

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If you already have an incredibly low interest rate, there are other ways to pay your home off quickly. You just have to have discipline to add extra principle. You can do this each month, or make payments every two weeks. Paying off additional principle will greatly reduce the term of your mortgage loan.

Paying off your house, is the best way to actually get the benefits of home ownership. Paying off the house give you more freedom, and can allow for earlier retirement. But, you can’t pay off a home until you buy a home. So invest in a home with the intention of actually owning it one day.

It is a great time to invest in real estate as your home. To find real estate in Baltimore, visit Homes for Sale in Baltimore Maryland