Ways To Raise Your Acting Profile

Today, just simply being a good actor is not really enough to make it in this ‘dog eat dog’ profession. There are people out there who would literally give their right arm to get a break in show business. Well maybe that’s a bit extreme but I think you can see the point I’m trying to make here.

If it’s any cancellation though, years ago their was even less opportunity to start a career as an actor. For a start, there was the equity loop hole. You couldn’t get a job because you weren’t a member of equity and you couldn’t join equity unless you had a job..Aaahhh!!

Fortunately it is now possible to work on professional productions without the need to be an equity member. I still think it is a big plus to be a member of equity as there is much help and advice that the union can provide you with so if you have the option to join you are well advised to take advantage of it.

Getting Exposure Is What It’s All About

Certainly an easy way to get some top public exposure is to appear on a show like Wife Swap, Pop Idol, Big Brother, etc. Just about anybody can apply for these shows and they are not so difficult to actually get on

Do I Have To Be Good?

Hell No, Sometimes being bad at something can have an adverse effect and actually get you further. Sounds crazy but it’s true. Just look at some of the takes from X Factor for example.

The key here is personality. If you have a personality then you will be interesting and that’s what the audience or public want to see. You gotta be interesting! Boring just ain’t gonna work!

Make yourself stand out from the crowd if need be. Try different things and above all, be original. That’s what will make you be remembered. If the public forget you, your history!

Only you can make this happen and remember, unless you are mega talented then you will have to pull every resource you have to stand out and be noticed.

Do a search on Google now and look for reality TV shows. Bookmark them and apply right away. This is a foot in the big back door Of course, the info I’m giving you here is simply a guide on how you can get an edge into show business. To become great at your craft, and in particular, acting, you will need to practice and practice very hard as well.

But remember, with the amount of gateways available nowadays, there is every chance of you getting your break sooner rather than later. There are many different ways that you can start off with your campaign and your first point of call will be to check casting newspapers such as The Stage or even ring round some of the local television studios and ask to see if there is anything suitable that they are doing that may fit your profile. Publicity will get you everywhere.

If you can#t get a job in acting try internet marketing. View some of my other interesting articles on Olymberyl Victoria 6kW Radiant Multifuel Stoves.

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