Useful Information About Conspiracy Documentaries

People can never get enough stories of the machinations of secret cabals. There are many subjects throughout history that are fuel for this modern mythology. The most popular topics are creatures from outer space, assassinations, and war and peace. You can find an internet web page that specializes in conspiracy documentaries. These videos provide detailed and comprehensive information about many plots throughout history.

One of the oldest stories is about the Illuminati. Supposedly this elite cult was a part of the freemasonry movement, but its origins are unclear. The story goes that the Illuminati is a secret cabal of men who control the entire world. Even the President of the United States is under their power. The Illuminati are blamed for all sorts of things, from control of the world banking system to the rise of international communism.

The most recent source of schemes and intrigue revolves around the tragic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This movement is known as the 9/11 truth movement. They truly believe that the United States government was in some way complicit in the attacks. They point to physical evidence that shows the airliners could not have caused the collapse of the buildings. There are many strands of the 9/11 theories, most of them seem clearly ridiculous to most people.

President F. Kennedy’s assassination has been the subject of many competing theories. The Warren Commission, which studied the assassination for ten months, concluded that the lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, killed Kennedy on his own. Americans have rejected this conclusion. In 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that President Kennedy was murdered as a part of a plot in which several parties colluded. They could not determine the exact details of the plot.

There are certain characteristics that are common in all these theories. A main characteristic is that the public does not know the truth. What people think is the truth is a lie perpetuated by a cabal of evil doers who are responsible for deceiving the masses. Believers of these theories seem to overlook the fact that pulling off these complicated plots would involve too many people to maintain secrecy.

The theories help explain the unexplainable in a violent, chaotic and troubled world. Conspiracy theories give psychological and emotional comfort to those who are agitated by events beyond their control. Even if the theories seem wacky to most people, to some they provide a framework that helps explain the unexplainable.

The idea of a secret power, pulling the strings behind the scenes is not new. Kings and religious leaders have long known that political and military power can be maintained by manipulating the population’s fears and emotions. Our media colludes with government institutions to form mass opinions and manipulate public opinion. Mass media is often complicit in perpetuating the paranoid world view.

A website that specializes in conspiracy documentaries is a source of information that buffs will enjoy. This is a central library of information about these secret plots that we find so fascinating. When terrible things happen, people are looking for explanations. When they feel sad and insecure, they are more likely to find solace in a theory, even if the theory does not make much common sense.

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