The Life And Work Of Richard Overton

On 10th August 1954, comedian Richard Overton came into the world. His parents were Nancy also known as Anne Swain Overton and Hall Overton. The mother was a musician and member of the Chordettes. This group comprised of girls only and was well known for singles Mr. Sandman and Lollipop. Hall was a music teacher at Juilliard Institute. Apart from teaching music, he was music arranger with the group Thelonious Monks. New York was where Richard was born. His family relocated to New Jersey which became his home for the rest of his life.

Having musical blood in him, Rich dabbles in music as he occasionally performs with local blues bands. His instrument is the harmonica. His career as a stand-up comedian started when he attended Dick Morrow High School as part of the comedy team Overton and Sullivan. Later in the 1970s, he went solo.

Overton made other appearances in films and television shows in the 80s. In 1984, he played a role in Beverly Hills Cop, Odd Jobs and Modern Girls both of 1986, Million Dollar Mystery of 1987 and Blind Fury of 1989. The 1980s was a busy decade for him as he took part in 7 television shows and 13 different films. Towards the end of the 80s, he wrote the TV episode, The New Adventure of Beans Baxter.

His acting role grew further in the 1990s. He took part in yet another TV show called The Edge. Unfortunately this show did not last long after his arrival as it came to an end in 1992. However, in the same year Rick appeared twice in Seinfeld. He was given a role in Mrs. Doubtfire which starred Robin Williams.

Career spanning for Rick over three decades has seen him play parts in many movies and TV shows. The Bad Teacher which starred Cameron Diaz is the latest movie to offer him an acting role. Rick is very busy and is mainly on the road hosting comedy shows in various clubs countrywide.

Many people in America and abroad have been entertained by Rick. If you need to watch him live, you can use the internet to follow his shows. Past shows can also be found on the internet. As a musician he took part in Star Power, a music video by Adil Omar who is a rapper from Pakistan.

Apart from acting, Rick has been a motor cycling enthusiast for about two decades. He participates in many charity rides such as the Muscular Dystrophy ride that takes place every year. His main hobby is model-building. He makes his own designs from various model kits as well as household items. His creativity has earned him different honors in Sci-Fi conventions.

The father to Rick may have put his son on the path of his career without realizing it. When Richard Overton was young, his father played works by Jonathan. Rick finds in a guiding light into the future from Winters. The occurrences of his childhood played a big role in shaping his destiny.

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