Tag Archives: classic films

How Websites are Helping to Spread the Joy of Classic Films

Enter any Blockbuster in any town in the country and you will for sure encounter all the latest Hollywood hits, or horrors, depending on how you look at it. What is far scarcer and perhaps nonexistent on the shelves are the classic films, hits like Ma and Pa Kettle or Laurel and Hardy that you could sometimes catch on late night television when your parents thought you were asleep. Continue reading

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Was Clint Eastwood In His Hey Day The Coolest Man In The world?

Have you ever seen the interview of Clint Eastwood when he was questioned if he asked why do you think people called him to coolest actor in the world? He was sitting on a sofa and as fast as he was asked the question he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He popped the open top packet and out rolled a cig. He then picked one out flicked it and it landed in his mouth. He flicked his gas lighter flint of his leg and it sparked up. Next he lit his fag, drew a deep breath and paused. He tilted his head to one side and retorted in his calm voice, “I don’t know”. Enough said. Continue reading

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