Should Reality Tv Be Dumped?

The rise of celebrity culture and the English TV show Big Brother heralded a new era in TV production known as reality TV. It is the modern broadcasting production show of preference. Scores of reality shows, from how to lose weight, to moving home, to more sordid game shows and 24 hour voyeuristic programmes now fill the airways around the world.

Simon Cowell exploited this with his multi global the X Factor. It has made him a multi millionaire 100 times over but has only produced about 5 possible recording artists. Is it about time this format should be axed?

It has made for lazy TV production. All a production executive has to do is come up with an idea in 5 minutes and then get some C-list celebrity no ones even heard about to host the show and it’s put into production.

You have folk analysing our bodily functions, giving us unqualified eating information, explaining how to be more confident, and haranguing us on the way not to bring up our kids. Please spare us the patrimony and sort out your own life.

Simon Cowell’s new show Red Or Black has flopped spectacularly in Great Britain. It surprisingly concerned the complicated task of gambling on red or black. The public tuned out after the first high viewing figures after the first episode. They just weren't interested.

Hopefully somebody in TV land will take a pointer and spare us another round of this failing reality genre. I mean it was fun once, twice or perhaps even 3 times when Big Brother initially came out. But that's now old hat, a very worn old hat at that. It's time for TV’s seo marketing execs to stop making fact programmes simply because they are inexpensive.

Nobody wants to see any more snot nosed arrogant wannabies cramming the airways looking to be the next gigantic thing. Being famous for what? Being untalented? They should have joined a punk band in the 70’s, although playing the mandatory 3 chords may have been too demanding.

Article drafted by seo company SEO City.

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