Nollywood – The sign of grand evolution in Nigerian Movie domination

Nollywood is a rising star, so to speak, from the heart of Nigeria – a movie industry of Nigeria, by Nigerians, and for the Nigerian people. Nollywood has gradually become a phenomenon with a life of its own, not only because it made movies for Nigerians, but because it makes movies that are distributed and enjoyed beyond the shores of Nigeria, and more importantly, it has risen in the middle of nowhere to somewhere.

There was a very distinct resistance to the name because of its foreign connotation, especially the similarity it has with another popular world-known movies production power-house “Hollywood”. Despite this initial resistance, many have come to terms with the name, especially considering the fact that all actors, consumers, and movie plots are Nigeria-centric.

It is stimulating and amusing to note that, at first, more often than not, the movies from Nollywood were of such abysmal quality that nobody expected an abrupt climb to such a sudden fame of this proportion; In recent years, however, this concern no longer hold true; Now, Nollywood movies and Nigerian Music are ranked as first class – both in maturity of movie plots, quality of production, and the extend of global distribution network and distribution capabilities.

Despite dismal conditions, unstable and deteriorating economic condition, Nollywood has managed to stay relevant on the world stage. With Nollywood fiercely competing with the two other world known movie production power-houses, it has definitely come of age. The cost of producing Nigerian movies is substantially lower because most actors are sourced locally, because Nigerian directors are ingenious – plus you can vouch for Nigerians ability to deliver outstanding movies with little resources.

Until the recent technological breakthrough of the last decade in terms of cheap means of movie production, the history of movie-making in Nigeria was the story of an unprofitable Endeavour filled with tears and financial ruins because most of those who attempted to produce movies always end up with a red-inked balance sheet. As a result of this imbalance, most Nigerians consume mostly foreign movies. Legendary movies such as Fist of Fury (1972), means of the Dragon (1972), key in the Dragon (1973). Even right before that, famous movies such as “Bruce Lee” in (Lo Wei’s, the enormous superior (1971) were common.

Notwithstanding the crushing financial limitation of producing movies before the last decade, some theatrical groups, through exceptional theatrical skills and astonishing performances managed to rise above stage performance and move into movie productions – mostly based on the old celluloid capability of the 70’s. Still new in our memories are those who actually championed the pre-Nollywood era. Great performers such as Ola Balogun, Eddie Ugbomah, and late Herbert Ogunde

The Music artists delivering cutting-edge Nigeria Music have benefited substantially from the opportunities created by the presence of Nollywood in Nigeria – these artists have done exceptionally well considering their skills to blend music of local origin with other genre of music ranging from Bob Marley to Jazz and so on. They have benefitted immensely from Nigerian business men who opened successful online distribution channels to allow Nigerians showcase their talent to the rest of the world. Nigeria-centric sites such as, like their counter-part represents a substantial opportunity for Nigerian Musician to show-case their talent to the rest of the world.

Back to Nollywood: although the movies were originally created for Nigerians living in Nigerian, it has, over the last decade, become a staple for Nigerians in Diaspora – a common tool for staying connected to the home front; with the prevalence of the internet, easier and faster means of distribution, Nollywood movies are now consumed not only in Nigeria but in hundreds of other countries; interestingly enough, not just by Nigerians, but by citizens of all other countries. Nollywood, indeed, has come a very long way. Looking into the future, I see Nollywood becoming a power to be reckoned with on the same scale that Hollywood, uncontested for several decades, has dominated, dictated and morphed social-cultural activities and identities around the Globe. is the online destination for Nigerian Artist to upload and showcase their talent to Nigerians and the whole world. Click here to check out Nigeria Music Artist. There are many interesting videos on this site. You an watch Nigeria comedy and other interesting videos

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Should You Watermark Your Voice-Over Auditions

This topic recently popped up on Such A Voice’s Facebook page, and the person wanted to know whether or not she should be watermarking her auditions for sites such as or

In the audio world, a watermark is another audio file that you place on top of the primary audio file, in this case your voice over, to prevent a dishonest client from using your voice-over work without actually paying you for it. An example of a watermark for a narration or commercial you audition for could be something as simple as a “ding!” sound that pops up every few seconds. As long as this “ding!” doesn’t obscure the quality of your voice-over read or completely annoy the listener, the client wouldn’t be able to use this recording for commercial purposes. If you are recording a longer voiceover, another common method is to over-lay the voice-over with, “This is just a demo by Jane Smith,” every ten seconds or so.

Watermarking your voice over jobs is a great way to protect your property, but it’s not recommended to place a watermark on every audition you do. If you are working with a reputable client, or especially if this is a repeat client, putting a watermark on your audio file could show the client that you don’t actually trust them. A client might even pass up a great audition that was watermarked because they were offended that you didn’t trust them to pay you for your work.

After all of your voice-over training and hard work to become a professional voice actor, it’s natural to want clients to treat you with the respect you deserve. However, make sure to maintain good working relationships with all your clients, and you should trust the people you’re working with.

So, when is it a good idea to watermark your work?

It depends on the interactions you have had with the client. The longer you work in the voice-over industry, the better you’ll be able to tell how to handle these nuanced situations. Some instances in which you should at least consider watermarking your work include:

1) An over-seas client you aren’t familiar with. 2) A new client you haven’t heard of who would like the entire script read for the audition. 3) An “unknown” client or project that was posted through a questionable venue. (I love, but anyone can post jobs there with any goal in mind.)

The good thing about erring on the side of trusting the client is that on the off chance you get a shady client, you can tell everyone about it through social media. If you don’t get paid for work you do, or if a client treats you badly, you can let other voice-over artists know about it. And, in the worst case, you find a “voice-over job” that ends up being someone totally sleazy, you can warn other future victims. (See, the Sleazy Sneeze Guy)

Get more effective voice over training! If you would like to improve your voice over training skills, you will get all the information and details you need today!

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Facts About Celebrities For You To Watch For To Watch For

Among the celebrities that were hot topics all throughout 2010, we cannot forget the man that Time magazine voted as the Sexiest Man Alive. That would be Ryan Reynolds.

He won this very prestigious honor even before the release of his latest Green Lantern movie. His star has been rising since his breakout comedic roles in Waiting and National Lampoons Van Wilder. He is originally from Canada and is wildly popular in America.

He has costarred in several action movies; one of his best roles in Blade 3 truly showcasing his versatile skill as an actor, going from a college party boy to a vampire slaying tough guy. He shows further his skill at changing roles as he takes on the superhero, Green Lantern, in the movie of the same name.

Lady Gaga showed off her many talents in 2010 and we are likely to keep seeing her throughout the next year. Her star continues to rise as she finishes her tour after a holiday break. She is continuing to fight for the rights of the gay/lesbian community, as well. Her popularity is sure to rise as we see plenty more of her in the coming years.

There is a new network to watch, namely the Oprah Winfrey Network, or OWN. Oprah has been a star for some years now but has not started a new venture since the creation of her self-titled magazine. She has been entertaining and informing audiences for many years and 2011 looks to be a new opportunity for more of this living legend.

Miley Cyrus should be seeing her opportunities increase as Hannah Montana is wrapped up and she sees the opening of her latest movie released. She will be continuing on as one of the sweethearts of tweens everywhere. Fans of her music and her acting will not have to worry about the next chance they will get to be entertained, as she has a spot in two movies, one as a star, the other as a cameo, set just for this year.

Check out the latest celebrity gossip, photos, latest news and more at our celebrity blog, Celebrity Gossip Blog or click this link to see what celebrities are hiding in 2011 Celebrity 2011 Blog. Also published at Facts About Celebrities For You To Watch For To Watch For.

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call backs for acting & modeling auditions

A lot of people have been victims of these audition scams so it is right that one should recognize a genuine opportunity from a fake one through the use of some pointers on how to avoid audition scams. Always bear in mind that many of the out of town auditions but definitely not all are not authentic. A lot of times these scams provide commercials telling people that there are no prerequisites needed for the audition and this can be a good indication that it is not real. True auditions require you to prepare something. If you wish to acquire a modeling contract, then it is best to begin your search with various modeling agencies. Rather than push yourself to get involved with these cattle call types of auditions.

Searching for ways on how to avoid audition scams and giving yourself an opportunity to discover the real you can help you get away with audition scams. These scams generally settle on citizens who are discarded from great shows. These people easily give in to these scams because they are inexperienced and depressed.

Another tip that might be helpful on how to avoid audition scams is make sure that when you go through an audition, the director will ask you to do something like sing or dance for a show. Fake auditions do not tell you anything specific about what the audition is all about. So, if you are now aware of what they are, it is better not to audition.

Generally speaking, what is most asked from the participant during the try out is one’s familiarity with the theme of the audition. This is also a crucial factor on how to avoid audition scams. One’s efficiency or talent is not highly regarded in bogus auditions. They hunt for individuals who crave to be prominent rather than aspire to be good actors. It is not also crucial to them the importance of being industrious to achieve your endeavors.

Prior to the audition, it is vital to prove legitimacy of the business to avoid misuse of time and finances. As a component of the ways on how to avoid audition scams, it is useful to converse with someone from the audition company and make the discretion if they are honest or not. Attainment of its legitimacy is possible with persistence and carefulness although it would be hard because these ventures would habitually alter their names.

Take into account that accomplishing your objectives demands resourcefulness and meticulousness and any person who will persuade you that to be prominent is trouble-free in the acting industry is hypocritical. There will be a lot of rough times to be experienced by hopeful individuals who yearn to be successful performers in the end. It may be alright to keep your hopes high for the audition but as stated in the salient pointers on how to avoid audition scams, you should not be mislead as to directly making it to the top after the trial. You have to be conscientious to make it to the pedestal.

To do well in your ventures, it is essential to do your homework by getting in touch with audition business groups. Find out ways on how to get a hold of somebody who would represent you. Be accountable of your own actions and take charge of your family. Try to be sensible by achieving your desires without the need to relocate and just keep on exerting effort in order to flourish. Most importantly, always be conscious of the tips on how to avoid audition scams. The chances of becoming targets of audition scams will eventually reduce through these tips.

Call Avenue Productions Fort Lauderdale for info on modeling auditions. Avenue Productions Model & Talent Agency Fort Lauderdale is a licensed, full-service agency.

categories: headshots,auditions,models,actor,actress,casting,talent agency,television,tv,movies,entertainment

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Bodie From The Wire – True To His Corner

Character’s Role: Bodie (legally Preston Broadus) is a dealer in HBO’s The Wire who starts out in Avon Barksdale’s drug organization. Bodie was the number two man in the low-rises under D Barksdale and later goes independent. Bodie was brought up by his grandmother and entered the game as a young hopper at 13 years old when he began dealing for Barksdale’s people. He lives his life strictly by the code of a dealer in the drug game and that is where he gets his sense of honor. He follows commands from Stringer and Avon (even the tough ones that are targeted at his friends), he does not snitch, and he is a hard worker trying to slowly climb up the ranks. He’s clever (managing to claim entrapment to avoid time in prison at the end of season 1) and he has plenty of pride and spirit (refusing to leave his territory even as Chris Partlow and Snoop, the coldest murderers in the series, are baring down on him). Just as Jimmy McNulty tells him, he’s a “true soldier.”

Played By: J.D. Williams

Which Seasons: In seasons 1 – 4.

Favorite Scene: In season 1, Wallace and Bodie are playing checkers with pieces from a chess set and D teaches them how to actually play chess. He describes the various pieces of the set as players in the game, and Bodie, appearing to grasp how the game works, says to D, “So if I make it to the other end, I win.”, referencing the potential for a pawn to become a queen (or for Bodie to become a Stringer). It’s obvious that Bodie is very driven, but regrettably for him, the drug game is far more similar to how D’Angelo paints it, “the pawns, man, in the game, they get capped quick.”

Favorite Line: “I feel old. I’ve been out there since I was 13. I’ve never f****** up a count, never stole off a package, never did some *expletive* that I wasn’t told to do. But what comes back? – This game is rigged man – it’s like them little *expletive* on the chess board.” Here is Bodie. He is a true soldier, loyal to his people, and willing to do what it takes; but sadly, it is as D’Angelo says – the soldiers don’t make it very far without getting capped.

Best Foil or Rival: Bodie’s friend Wallace. Bodie’s colder personality, his age (… you could even call it his maturity), and his ready to do what is necessary mindset are countered by Wallace’s youth, his young face, his moral dilemmas with the repercussions of his actions, and his lack of devotion to the drug game.

Find out what makes The Wire one of the best shows on TV in the past 10 years; plus see what folks think of the first season of Glee.

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Creative Ways of Self-Promotion

One thing in common with artists and models nowadays is a shared disadvantage — their inability to market themselves. The truth of the matter is that this weakness is not confined to artists and models alone, but applies to everyone in general. It is common knowledge that it is very hard to speak about yourself and the things that you do.

We must admit that it is really difficult to talk about yourself without sounding self-centered, and so it’s that much more difficult promoting your self. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways for us to market ourselves without being a narcissist, and this article tells you more about it.

You should participate in online groups. Artists and models are very much involved in various online communities. Find a community that you would want to get involved in and start talking to fellow artists or models. By doing so, you start relationships and individuals in the community will start to have interest in you and more importantly, in the things that you do. Your talent agency is one means of connection; others are online.

As you interact with more people, it is a great idea to share what you have learned to your fellow models and artists. You could give tips or even share some stuff with them. The more that you impart what you know, the more they think of you as a specialist in the field. They’ll be asking for more advice and you’ll be able to advertise yourself.

Endorse other people. Another thing that you could do is to promote you fellow artist or model. It can be done by posting a comment on their work online, posting an article about them or their work in your blog, or simply posting a link of their projects anywhere on the net. Most of the artists or models you endorsed would probably thank you and return the favor. It is a good way to build relationships and increase your network.

Hosting an affair and fighting for a cause is one of the best options you have in promoting yourself. If your affair gets a lot of positive feedbacks, then thats good marketing for you. Majority of artists and models are already supporting foundations and charities. If you help some of them out, there is a great possibility that you will get their attention.

It is innate with models and artists to be creative. It may be difficult for you to market yourself but you can naturally do things creatively. Get involved in your society and just be yourself. It will definitely boost yourself promotion and will earn your friends along the way.

For a syllabus of acting talent agencies and discover Avenue Productions scam absention tips. Discover what Avenue Productions scam avoidance professionals have to say about braking into show-business.

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Montana Fishburne On The Loose: Montana Fishburne’s Moments To Fame

“The Matrix” legend Lawrence Fishburne graced the Hollywood facade for starring not just in the sci-fi wonder but also in exceptionally special and award-profitable movies. But his daughter, 18-yr-aged Montana Fishburne turned sideways from her father’s footsteps by paving her way into fame thanks to a adult tape which featured the young lady.

The controversial Montana Fishburne talks to E! reporter Giulana Rancic that losing her virginity marked her 1st spark of interest for pornography.

Contrary to the unfavorable reactions and plea of one more actuality star Kim Kardashian who for her portion did not want to release her tape despite the fact that it catapulted her career into stardom, Montana Fishburne claims that she likes her movie so a lot, foremost to the then fact that she appreciated performing pornography.

Declaring she desired to discover and freely express her own sexuality is the crucial to Fishburne’s positive perspective to the released sex tape. Also, she additional that aside from getting a total new knowledge, she loved sex and each and every expertise taking aspect in the act is a new variety of fantasy and adds to the attractiveness and self-esteem of a female.

Montana Fishburne is not new to controversial tapes, as a issue of truth, very last 12 months, the grownup movie star was arrested for alleged prostitution but was later acquitted after she created a deal with the prosecutors who canceled solicitation and prostitution fees, and in return, Fishburne would just place to relaxation her pleading for contest to misdemeanor criminal trespass, and rather, just function in a community service or perform-option program. Vivid Enjoyment is support to release Montana Fishburne’s very first actually grownup video with her namesake later this 12 months.

Montana Fishburne was born on August 17, 1991 and is professionally acknowledged as Chippie D, she is the daughter of award-profitable actors Lawrence Fishburne and Hajna O. Moss.

Previously in August 2010, a porn film entitled Phattys Rhymes & Dimes 14 starring Fishburne and porn actor Brian Pumper, launched by Freaky Empire Studio featured the actress with an hour-lengthy adult scene between the two. With attempts to block the movie distribution, Fishburne’s legal advisers got in touch with Pumper, with whom she pinpoints the one particular accountable for the leakage of the rehearsal which was not meant to be released.

Lawrence Fishburne’s daughter seems up to how Kim Kardashian grew to become very popular and effective after her personal intercourse tape was released by Vivid Entertainment. . Every person suppose this is her excuse for generating the tape, and sense good about it.

Check out those extreme bikini and hugh boobs books from Amazon.

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Locate the unequaled extra talent agency

Avenue Productions Fort Lauderdale on Talent Success

Talent is such a strange and hard-to-define thing. People have it or don’t, or have it and don’t know how to best use it. Sometimes it’s amazing to me that we have commercials or fashion shows or movies at all, what with all the difficulties in finding the right person for those roles. But then this is why a good talent agency is so valuable. Someone has to know how to operate the floodgates of talent, making sure all the right skills end up in the right places.

Finding an agency isn’t the tricky part; it’s finding the right one. They might all look good at first. But anyone who wants your money is going to put on a nice shirt before sticking out his hand. There are a lot of promises thrown around, that’s for sure, but it pays to be cautious when doling out your trust. So research, research, research before you start writing checks. Make sure your agency is on the level. Don’t worry, there are ways to tell.

Avenue Productions Tips for Aspiring Talent

The two little words you definitely want to hear from your prospective agency: “fully licensed.” After that you can begin to breathe a little easier. Especially if the agency has been around for a decade or two. Also, if you recognize the clients the agency uses — that’s a fine sign. Ritz Crackers? Reebok? Fine. “Rugburns and Radishes?” Not a good sign.

So you’ve got an agency you trust, some headshots you can rely on. Now what? What kind of work do you want to do? Glossy magazine? Prime-time commercial? Take a shot at the TV world. This last is perhaps not as intimidating as it seems. Really. In Southern Florida, both USA Network and Fox are producing shows, and those casting directors are always looking for local talent.

Avenue Productions Fort Lauderdale on Talent Success

No good agency spends all its time looking for the exotic face, either. Agencies worth their stuff know to look for the face that an audience will respond to. And that face is generally among us, right out the door. Maybe it’s you. It’s probably not me, so I bet it’s you. And it can be any age, any experience level. It’s just gotta be right.

It’s definitely not work for the faint of heart. Though the good agency can certainly help make it less scary. But even the best can’t guarantee work. It’s just not that kind of world. No, rely on your agency for model composites and practical advice and the stuff that leads to the audition. Because after that, the lights are all on you. So you better hope you were taking notes.

Talent is such a strange and hard-to-define thing. People have it or don’t, or have it and don’t know how to best use it. Sometimes it’s amazing to me that we have commercials or fashion shows or movies at all, what with all the difficulties in finding the right person for those roles. But then this is why a good talent agency is so valuable. Someone has to know how to operate the floodgates of talent, making sure all the right skills end up in the right places.

There are plenty of agencies with plenty of ideas about how best to use your talents. And many of them will tell you — for a price. There are a lot of promises in the talent business, it won’t surprise you to know, but not all are worth anything. So make sure, newbie to the fold, to do your homework before you get involved with any talent agency. There are some sure signs of honesty, and just as many of dishonesty.

Avenue Productions Fort Lauderdale on Talent Success

Just do me this favor: make sure the agency is fully licensed. And that it’s been around longer than a puppy. Don’t pay any registration fees up front, whatever you do. Also, look at the clients the agency has worked with: Kleenex or Sonic? Yes. “Aaron’s Slightly Damaged Shoehorns?” Not the angle you want to follow.

So you’ve got an agency you trust, some headshots you can rely on. Now what? What kind of work do you want to do? Glossy magazine? Prime-time commercial? Take a shot at the TV world. This last is perhaps not as intimidating as it seems. Really. In Southern Florida, both USA Network and Fox are producing shows, and those casting directors are always looking for local talent.

Avenue Productions Fort Lauderdale on Talent Success

Fear not — the model or actor doesn’t have to be all exotic and weird-looking. Agencies actually like talent which looks like everyday people. People that we in the audience can relate to. Whether babies or grandparents, pros or amateurs, we just want to identify with that face.

It’s a lot to keep in mind, surely. But the agency, the good agency, will help you along. With model composites and business cards and introductions to auditions. But the agency can’t guarantee work, because who knows? There’s a lot of magic once the cameras turn on, and even the most ancient agency can’t predict which way the winds blow for talent every time.

For a a study of acting & modeling talent agencies and discover Avenue Productions Model & Talent Agency. Discover what Avenue Productions Model & Talent Agency professionals have to say about braking into show-business.

categories: headshots,auditions,models,actor,actress,casting,talent agency,television,tv,movies,entertainment

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Headshot Scams and How to Avoid Them

The headshot is one of the most important marketing tools for every actor in the movie, TV or theater industry. The headshot is a black and white photo of your face in a 8″ x 10″ dimension and it is often backed with a printed resume. The headshot is primarily the first thing agents and casting directors will look at in determining if you are suited for the role. If you have a great photo, you can establish a good first impression with the people wishing to hire you even if you are inexperienced.

Even with your good looks, you will need an equally good photographer to capture it on a headshot. There are so many photographers in the business nowadays that it’s quite difficult to determine which one is reliable and which one is just a mere scam artist out to rip you off at every opportunity. Don’t ever let yourself be victimized by these headshot scams. Here are a few tips.

There’s no need to put yourself into so much trouble. All you need to do is to get a reliable photographer. You can also ask your acting teachers and other actors for those good ones they know. Licensed talent agencies have in-house or referral photographers whom know what the agency is looking for in your composite.

The photographer should aid the actor in delivering the personality and charm with only just the headshot. You wouldn’t want one that will berate you. You’d need a photograph that you can collaborate with and not argue with the entire photo shoot. Some test shots should be taken in the beginning and a good photographer marks those strong ones. He or she should never insist on choosing the headshot for you. He can make some suggestions or encourage you to have the photo reviewed by an agent or a teacher.

Remember that you paid for the photo as a marketing tool and therefore, not the photographer. He or she shouldn’t mark the front of your headshot with his or her name. The photographer should also never over-glamorize the photo. Natural is always preferable.

If the photographer charges for an unbelievably small fee, it may be too good to be true. The cheap ones aren’t always the best ones to have. You might end up with a mediocre photo or no photo at all. Meet with the photographer personally in the studio or office. Don’t ever meet in a coffee shop or at your place.

When going to the shoot, make sure you have a few friends with you as there is safety in numbers. You wouldn’t want to go to a place that you are unfamiliar with and completely alone. You might end up being harassed and ripped off. Take some people with you to back you up and protect you. This is especially important for under-aged actors.

There is no short-cut in making it big in the acting world and there are a lot of people who will take advantage of your dreams. You need to be smart and determined to be successful in your career and get the break you’ve always wanted. It all starts with a great headshot.

Understanding an ongoing career in modeling with Ave Models scam prevention tips. Learn how Avenue Productions can help you avoid a scam in show biz.

categories: headshots,auditions,models,actor,actress,casting,talent agency,television,tv,movies,entertainment

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an inspection of different types of modeling

As with all industries, modeling also has every type to fill a certain niche. There are different models that can be used in any occasion. There are models that advertise a product line and models that make a car look good on auto shows. Enhancing a product is the main purpose of these models.

There is no need to be wafer thin in order to become a model. Models come in a variety of shapes and sizes in the modeling industry. However, not all can become models. The modeling industry requires that you possess a certain degree of confidence and style in order to be accepted. Talent agencies can help establish those relationships with casting directors, but only if they’re honest agencies, not those just looking for your money.

The position that is the most coveted is being a model for high fashion. It is considered by models as one of the most glamorous positions. This normally involves photo shoots for magazines and collections displaying the very latest in fashion. This position involves a lot of exposure and is the most prized position of them all. The models are usually tall and thin in size. The models of high fashion possess strong features which are distinctive that sets them a cut above the rest.

Promoting a certain product is the goal of commercial and print models. You can usually see them on billboards, magazines, newspapers and on buses. They are hired to appear on catalogues for them to sell everyday products to people. Regular work and generous pay is usually associated with this type of modeling.

Becoming a model for the runway is also one of the top ways to increase exposure. It is a type of live modeling that is considered as alluring. However, there is a minimum height requirement in order to become a runway model which is a height of 59. The models must make any outfit look great and comfortable no matter how dull and restricting it is.

Specialty models are those who have great hair, nice hands, shapely legs and well shaped feet that go along with a beautiful face. These models are hired to showcase shampoo, hand lotion, jewelry, cosmetics and nail polish. They must be able to showcase these products using their well formed assets. They are usually seen on shampoo commercials on TV.

Models that are seen modeling cars, cosmetics, appliances or new products are called trade show or convention models. They always appear on trade shows and conventions. They possess a certain way of modeling products with their winning smile and pleasing personality. Landing great commercial contracts in selling products are usually the perks of this job.

Supermodels are those that are highly cherished by the fashion industry. In using supermodels, the clothes and accessories become a hot item which is sought after by those who follow fashion. These models are the highest paid among all other models. They usually live in New York and do up to 5 shows per day during fashion week. A few famous supermodels are Janice Dickinson, Tyra Banks, Claudia Schiffer, Naomi Campbell, Elle MacPherson and Cindy Crawford. These models have smoothened the way for others to follow in their path in becoming one of the top models in the fashion industry.

Avenue Productions scam avoidance tips for beginners gives a view of & modeling & modeling work. Learn more about Avenue Productions scam prevention tips.

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