Top 5 Things To Contemplate When Recording A Vocal Track

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Achieving a believable vocal track normally doesn’t require thousands of dollars of recording gear. An Impressive vocal can be achieved by working with an experienced singer on budget recording gear. Consider all the awesome vocal tracks from the Beatles. The Beatles didn’t have Protools, computers or anything more than vintage recording gear. While basic gear is necessary it isn’t always the pivotal factor when trying to get a great vocal out of a singer. It really depends on what type of band or artist you are working with. Here are some quick “non-gear related tips” to keep in mind when recording a singer.

1. If you have a home studio then it is more than likely that you don’t have a vocal isolation booth that has glass so that you can see in to the isolation booth so that you can make sure the singer in the isn’t falling asleep on a stool or chair. I know it sounds crazy but it happens all the time, especially when you as the producer or engineer can’t see in to the iso-booth. Double check and make sure your singer is standing up. The voice needs support and that support originates in the mid-section of the body; the diaphram. The diaphram is the central muscle of the human body and is the muscle responsible for breathing. If your singer is crouched over, sitting down or in an awkward position it will be obvious in their tone. So, be on the look out for anomalies in their tone. Especially if their tone is changing as the song progresses. Change in tone will typically be caused by improper posture or them sitting down in the booth.

2. While I don’t advocate anyone to start smoking, contrary to what most people think, smoking doesn’t really harm your voice. Smoking affects your breathing capacity and as a result hampers a singers ability to sing for extended periods of time. So, if you have a singer that smokes don’t get bogged down in trying to convince he or she that their inadequacy to “get the great vocal track” is because they smoke. It simply isn’t true.

3. Good mic positioning is key. You in no way want your singer’s head and neck at an awkward angle. Be diligent to adjust the mic to a position that is acceptable for your singer’s height. Just a couple inches too high or too low will greatly affect a singers tone. You may have to experiment a bit with microphone positioning to get the correct tone for your singer. I’ve seen singers struggle in the studio and then I make one tiny change to the angle or height of their microphone and it makes all the difference in the world.

4. Drinking hot liquids doesn’t help. I’ve had singers say “Hey, I’m gonna get a hot tea or coffee”. When they return I make them dilute the hot drink to cool it down to room temperature because most of them don’t realize that the heat isn’t good for the vocal chords. Heat actually shocks the vocal chords. It is good practice to always drink luke warm water or tea. Keep away from carbonated drinks in the studio as the sugar does more harm than good to the chords. Try throat coat tea. Throat coat has slippery elm bark as an ingredient. Slippery elm bark has been known to coat the vocal chords and give singers “a little grease on the pipes” to help them sing for extended periods of time.

5. Be sure your singer is well rested. A tired vocal is a bad vocal. I’ve recorded vocals when I was exhausted or hung over. I’ve never recorded a good one when I was tired or hung over. Remember, you are painting an audible picture for the listener. If the vocal sounds tired then you aren’t recording a great vocal. Make sure your singer is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. If not, send them home to get rest and try again another day.

Dennis Duncan is a former vocal producer on American Idol. Looking to find the best strategy on how to audition for American Idol, then visit to find the best advice on how to sing and strategies to get on American Idol.. Also published at Top 5 Things To Contemplate When Recording A Vocal Track.

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American Idol | Step 9 of 10 To Increase Your Chances Of Getting On The Show

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Step 9 in increasing your chances of getting on any vocal reality show should be that you should drop all the overly animated hand gestures and awkward moves.

If you’ve gone through all the steps up to this point then you should have at least done the training in front of the mirror in your bedroom or rehearsal room and, surely by now, you will have seen that the hand gestures looked stupid and surely you will have removed them from your performance. If not, drop all the overly animated hand gestures when you are singing. In fact, write this down on a piece of paper: “overly animated hang gestures, never again” and go out in to your back yard, dig a hole and bury that peice of paper. If you do this then everytime you start to do one of those stupid gestures you’ll remember that you buried them in your back yard and your brain will tell you to stop getting all Maria Carey.

And, if you are a guy, NEVER DO THEM. Girls, sometimes, if not over used, can get away with it. But I still don’t recommend it. Bury it in the back yard!

Just so you know, those types of hand gestures irk the heck out of all of us behind the scenes. No one wants to see the worn out, mimicked Mariah Carey hand gestures. It’s just overdone and really stupid, especially the one in which a contestant does a vocal run and points their finger in the air to animate their vocal gymnastics. Just stop it! Pointing towards someone to emphasize something in the lyrical content is okay, every once in a while. But don’t overdo it. Every time I see a contestant start to do the overly animated gestures I almost puke.

Look for our final article in our series of ten when we talk about how to audition for American Idol and the importance of eye contact is for any vocal reality show audition.

I’m the author of “My Idol Time” and vocal producer on AI. Find more on how to audition for American Idol . Get my e-book on how to audition for American Idol by going to Amazon or at BnN.. Free reprint available from: American Idol | Step 9 of 10 To Increase Your Chances Of Getting On The Show.

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American Idol | Step 10 of 10 To Increase Your Chances Of Getting On The Show

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Step 10 in increasing your chances of getting on any vocal reality show should be that you need to learn how to make eye contact and sell the song and the experience.

One of THE MOST important skills you need to master is eye contact. If you are uncomfortable making eye contact in general you’ll need to overcome that fear. Otherwise, the judges will notice your lack of confidence. Great artists know how to connect with their audience.

To help you overcome your fear, a good practice is to lock into the eyes of the person you are engaging in conversation. Stare them down. You can actually make it a game and see how long it takes them to start feeling uncomfortable and look the other way. Eye contact is the cornerstone to an artists’ confidence. Think about this. If you go to a concert or meet your favorite artist, wouldn’t you feel more engaged with the artist if he or she notices you and looks you directly in the eyes? I believe you would. When you are performing your song, don’t just stare uncomfortably into outer space. Deliver your song to the audience, the judges! Sell them. Convince them you’ve lived the song you are singing. Master this skill of eye contact while performing. Even if your vocal performance may not be the best, confident eye contact could make the difference in you getting to the next round!

Here is a quick story about eye contact. When I was performing showcases for record labels, oftentimes the room would be full of men. Imagine singing a love song to that audience. Sheesh! If you are a male singer, then this is uncomfortable to say the least. I eventually overcame the discomfort and turned it into one of my new weapons. What I found out was that the more I stared them down, the more uncomfortable THEY became. I had just flipped the script on them. What I demonstrated to them was that I wasn’t scared; I was willing to sing to them any song, of any subject, to convince them that I had what it takes to become a recording artist. Not sure what they thought but it worked for me.

That wraps our series of ten tips on how to audition for American Idol for this month. Be sure to check out our YouTube Channel-My Idol Time for plenty of videos that will give you the edge to get on your favorite vocal reality show!

I’m the author of “My Idol Time” and vocal producer on AI. Find more on how to audition for American Idol . Get my e-book on how to audition for American Idol by going to Amazon or at BnN.. Check here for free reprint license: American Idol | Step 10 of 10 To Increase Your Chances Of Getting On The Show.

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Tips To Get On American Idol

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Here are some tips to get on American Idol. It’s really simple. You need to be real with your vocal expertise put the time in to learn how to sing. Have you had vocal coaching or lessons? The aforementioned aren’t dictated; however, coaching or lessons can be helpful to a career. So, it is not mandatory but can benefit you so that you can achieve proper technique and breathing. Ultimately, giving you extra tools in your arsenal.

I endorse vocal coaching if you can find someone who is an expert in the field and can help you. Take into account that only a hand full of the judges for the regional auditions, the pre-Idol judges, if you will, have experienced time on the “other side of the glass” as a recording artist. In reality, many of these regional judges are people with no singing talent whatsoever. Yet, most do have some sort of extensive knowledge in entertainment. So, you should appease the judges in your regional auditions. Making it beyond the regional judges can be successfully accomplished with a well thought out plan and proper song choices.

What not to do: Undoubtedly, i wouldn’t recommend go dressed in a chimpanzee suit. Do not paint yourself red. Don’t go dressed up like an idiot or you will be perceived as one. Don’t be disillusioned by believing that you need to stand out from the other contestants in the regional auditions by doing something buffoonish or dancing some humiliating dance.

Let me be honest. Excelling at the regional auditions is in part based on singing talent and additionally part casting by the producers of the show. You won’t be in control of the casting part. You very well may be a better singer than the contestant next to you but for some reason unbeknownst to you that person auditioning may get through to the next round likely because they are appearing or acting quirky. If you are wanting your fifteen minutes of fame, then dress up in something cockamamie, and then prepare to get on TV and be back home later that day because you won’t get much further than that.

For entertainment, the show producers of the regional auditions allow several of the foolheaded contestants to make it through the regionals. But very few of the chosen have any staying power, if you will, and are simply chosen to the next round for entertainment value on TV.

I’ve watched these auditions from a distance for years now. If you are good and believe you have vocal talent then simply go to the auditions and display your vocal talent; but, I’ll warn you, you’ll only have ten to twenty seconds to sing. So be prepared to “turn it on” as soon as the regional judges say go and don’t get bogged down by telling the regional judges your life story about how your kitten inspired you to audition. Just do your thing.

Want to find out more about how to audition for American Idol, then visit Dennis Duncan’s site for all the behind the scenes info on American Idol.. This article, Tips To Get On American Idol is released under a creative commons attribution license.

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Exciting Facts About Spider Eyes Contact Lenses

When people such as fashion models, brides to be, music artists or movie actors, go out to purchase eye contacts, it’s to boost their style, or to bring a sense of originality to it since contacts come in so many various kinds. Then there are those that want conspicuous eye contacts that can seize some considerable attention, or they need them to play a part in a movie or a theatrical production. One of these sorts of eye contacts is named the spider eye contact lens. Regardless of the obvious evocation of their title, they aren’t named so to make you look like a spider, but rather due to the elaborate and web-like designs painted on the lenses.

Spider contacts are just unusual. When you believe that sporting green coloured contacts was unique enough, imagine how unique contacts with a design that looks like a spider web would be. In actual fact, they’re so realistic looking, that you may even assume that an actual spider has weaved its web on your eyes!

Authentic creepy crawleys more often than not boast eight eyes on their head however not many have high-quality eyesight. They depend instead on vibration to find the way and get their victim.

People will certainly be dazzled once they come across somebody who is wearing spider eyes as they’re comparatively rare. Some might discover it odd while others may find them merely unique and stylish. Spider eyes are usually not generally found in common eye care retailers, thus it may be best to have a look online for a greater likelihood of getting the right kind of spider contacts for you. Also, be prepared to pay a bit extra for this “weird” style. Also, you may notice that you just won’t find too many options of spider contacts out there, because they are a newly launched product. However quickly enough, we should always see extra designs available on the market together with a more reasonably priced price tag.

The number of the design within the style of those eye contacts is just not groundbreaking. Newer designs are anticipated to return out soon, and because the contact lenses change into an increasing number of available available in the market, there can even be an anticipated drop of their retail cost.

Halloween contacts for passionate people! If you worship attention, these fanatical contacts are designed for you! Particularly for actors, motion pictures, vogue photo shoots, October 31st, parties, special events, dance parties or if you just have the urge to be scaring people!

In the event you are one of those who experiments with fashion and is prepared to attempt a peculiar style, then these contact lenses would possibly grab your attention. They are nothing like normal eye contacts in their capacity to attract attention. If it’s your goal to utterly stand out, go for spider eyes!

With all the products out in the market today, it’s hard to choose the best. Brigitte Herals says to try Cococontact’s black contact lenses .

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American Idol Step 2 of 10 That Will Improve Your Odds Of Getting On The Show

Step 2 in increasing your chances of getting on any vocal reality show should be to consider your wardrobe options that best suit your character.

Image is just about everything in entertainment. Like many struggling artists, you may be low on cash, then at minimum, get a unique haircut and get your hair styled. If you have a low budget, then purchase clothes that match your vibe that will make you stand out a little bit; stylish and current if that is your thing, or stylish and a throw back if you are a retro artist.

You may be unsure how to dress, then go to Barnes and Noble and look at some music and entertainment magazines and see what your favorite music icons are wearing. Now, I understand you may not have the coin to buy clothes similar to what your favorite artist is wearing but, with some effort, you can emulate them fairly inexpensively. Don’t copy smack-dab what they are wearing, but at least you’ll be able to get some ideas as to what is current. Oftentimes, Marshalls or Target will have enough choices to get you started.

And, accessorize your outfit, if that is your style. Just a little accessorizing can make all the difference in the world. Heck, you may even be able to pull your entire performance outfit together by mixing and matching from your friends’ and families’ closets. Don’t over do it and it is generally a good idea to dress in a fashion that best reflects your personality and style of music.

I’ll tell you a quick story about wardrobe. When I was playing on the Sunset Strip, a producer came to see us at a sound check at the Troubador in Hollywood. After the sound check he pulled us aside and said, “I really like your music. I really think I can help you guys. But, did you guys just get back from the beach?” We said, “Uhhhhhh, no.” He said, “If you want to be a rock star, then you need to look like a rock star when you are in public and that goes for sound checks too. If you want me to work with you, then you need to look like rock stars ALL the time. Otherwise, I’m not going to bother wasting my time with you guys. Next time I see you guys you better be wearing your “get up.” So, get in character and look the part. Otherwise, no one will ever take you as serious artists.” Basically, he was saying, ” “Get in character and live that character 24/7. The only way to become a rock star is to first and foremost believe that you can become one. Then you have to start to look like one and live it and own it.”

In step 3 we’ll talk about getting in to shape and ways to improve your vocal stamina that will improve your chances of getting on your favorite vocal reality show.

Looking to find more info on this summers 2011 American Idol auditions , then visit to find the best advice on how to audition for American Idol .. Check here for free reprint license: American Idol Step 2 of 10 That Will Improve Your Odds Of Getting On The Show.

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American Idol | Step 3 of 10 To Increase The Odds Of Getting On The Show

Step 3 to increase the odds of getting on any vocal reality show should be that you should consider getting in shape or working out.

Not all Idol winners are super thin models and you don’t have to be either. But, hitting the gym couldn’t hurt anyone if you do the right workout A well-designed body will also help you to have a sound mind. Take vitamins as well.

Your voice is a muscle. You need to take care of it. You may want to be singing at least one to two hours a day: exercising your vocal chords and strengthening them. I’m talking about really allocating the time to properly sing and rehearse everyday for what may be the most telling opportunities of your life. So, take it seriously. Proper posture and technique are essential if you want to excel. Sitting in your car and singing isn’t the best way to develop your technique and style.

If your vocal chords can’t handle it and you can’t sing two hours a day, then you should sing 30 minutes a day for one week, then the following week boost it up to 1 hour everyday, then the next week bump it up to 1 1/2 hours and so on. The stronger your vocal chords the less likely that your chords will get fatigued. I’m sure you’ve heard this before but practice makes perfect. At my peak vocal capabilities I could sing a straight 7-8 hours without becoming fatigued. But, I knew what I was doing and didn’t burn myself out with improper vocal techniques.

Once you ehance your stamina, then another exercise you can do is to go for a slow jog. When you are jogging or working out, try singing at the same time. It is very difficult to do. It will help you get your wind up and also teach you to how move around and sing at the same time. You’ll need to be capable of this.

In our next step, step 4, we’ll discuss vocal coaching and vocal training plus more!

Dennis Duncan, former vocal producer for American Idol. Find more about how to sing, then visit Dennis Duncan’s site for the American Idols audtion. Free reprint available from: American Idol | Step 3 of 10 To Increase The Odds Of Getting On The Show.

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Highly Anticipated & Exciting New Movies 2012

For new movies 2012, you’ve come to the right place. Find out what’s going on in the film world for the 12 months of 2012. All of these are movies which will open in theaters in 2012.

In January, “Everybody Loves Whales” starring John Krasinski, Drew Barrymore and Ted Danson comes out. This movie is based on a true story of a Greenpeace worker and reporter who fight to save the whales trapped in the ice. Also look forward to “Joyful Noise” with Queen Latifah, “Man on a Ledge” with Sam Worthington and “Premium Rush” starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

“The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” is a movie coming out in February, and follows the continuing adventures of Lucy and Edmund Pevensie as they return to Narnia, meet up with Prince Caspian, and have many adventures. Definitely one to look forward to. “The Vow” is based on a true story about a newlywed couple who get into a car crash, and then the wife goes into a coma, and when she wakes up she can’t even remember her husband.

In March, look out for a movie about Hanzel and Gretel who hunt witches. It is a sort of horror comedy that takes place 15 years after the gingerbread house incident. It’s a twist on the original fairytale. Also in March is the highly anticipated “Hunger Games” which is based on the novel. Katniss Everdeen’s in the quest for her survival in a fight to the death competition.

In April, anticipate the following films to be released: “Intent, ” “Dorothy of Oz, ” “American Reunion, ” “Iron Sky, ” “Think like a…, ” “The Cold Light of…” and “Chimpanzee.” While in May, the following films are scheduled for theater release: “Dark Shadows, ” “The Avengers, ” “The Dictator, ” “What to Expect…” the third “Men in Black, ” and “Battleship.” In June, anticipate the following: “Safe Haven, ” “Snow White” film, “Madagascar 3, ” “Rock of Ages, ” “Prometheus, ” “Jack Giant Killer, ” “Star Trek 2, ” and “Brave.”

In July, anticipate at least 2 movies based on comics: “Dark Knight Rises”, from the exciting Batman franchise, and “The Amazing Spiderman”. In August, it will be the month of sequels, with “The Expendables 2”, “G. I. Joe 2”, and “The Bourne Legacy”.

In October and September, a bunch of scary/horror films will come out. “Resident Evil: Retribution” will be one of them starring Milla Jovovich. It is the fifth of the Resident Evil films, most likely to include the continuing battle between Wesker and Alice. The other films are “Frankenweenie”, a Disney movie featuring the voices of Martin Short, Martin Landau, and Winona Ryder; and “Hotel Transylvania” – featuring your classic movie monsters who all sought asylum in a hotel.

In November, several exciting films will come out including: “Three Mississippi”, “Reboot Ralph”, “James Bond 23”, “Ouija”, “Breaking Dawn II”, “Rise of the Guardians”, and “47 Ronin”. In December, enjoy “Superman: Man of Steel”, “Lincoln”, “Life of Pi”, and the highly anticipated “Hobbit” movie directed by Peter Jackson, who did the “Lord of the Rings” movies. These are just some of the new movies for 2012.

New movies 2012 can be found on our website

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Who Else Desires Spider Eyes Contact Lenses?

Color contact lenses have been made to cater to the increasing request of people’s wish to improve their appearance. Even heavy metal bands, actors and fashion models dress in them in films, concerts and down the runway. Whereas eye contacts remain accessible in various brands, designs and colours, there are those that still seek additional enhancements in an effort to thoroughly stand out from the crowd, or look stunning in a movie. Spider eyes are one of those comparatively latest styles made for individuals who get pleasure from looking “abnormal”. Spider contact lenses usually are not meant to make eyes (or anybody) appear like Spider-Man, nor do they resemble a genuine spiders’ eyes. Their name comes from the spider-web they make.

Spider contact lenses are basically remarkable. If you happen to consider that wearing purple coloured eye contacts was exceptional enough, imagine how distinctive contacts with a design that appears like a spider web would be. In fact, they’re so natural looking, that you may even think that an actual spider has spun its web on the contact lenses!

Given that ‘spider eyes’ contacts are usually distinctive, most individuals solely think about dressing in them during special times (ie: Halloween). Nonetheless there are those who would wear spider eye contacts on an ordinary day with the aim of merely attempting something fresh. In reality, individuals who catch sight of this could discover it just a little eccentric to say the least, but many people are really amazed with the design upon first seeing it.

This type of eye contacts can also be relatively new, and they can’t always be readily there in stores. There are, nonetheless some on-line shops that offer these contact lenses. Resulting from their uncommon design, they do usually cost more than average colored contact lenses. You may be lucky and look out for free shipping incentives like the ones presented by the cococontacts internet based storefront.

While this style is ‘cool’, their design is also somehow restricted. Not that that’s a nasty thing in any respect, considering that this type is relatively new on the market. More designs are expected to come out within the close future, together with a drop in their costs because of their growing popularity.

Fanatical eye contacts for fun folks! If you worship attention, these intense eye contacts are intended for you! Fantastic for theatre, pictures, vogue photo shoots, October 31st, parties, special events, dance parties or if you basically have the desire to be bringing on horror!

Don’t forget, when you don’t discover average contact lenses unique enough for your fashion needs, then it’s best to consider the spider web eye contacts. Apart from the ‘odd’ factor, they are merely miles ahead of the rest of the standard eye contacts supplied on the market. Indeed, ‘spider eyes’ contacts are a perfect alternative in case you are looking for something a little uncommon.

The greatest secret Annette Jiggs found about fashion is to stand out with cheap contact lenses .

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Raise the ‘Odd’ Bar With Spider Contacts!

Color contacts were made to cater to the increasing request of people’s need to enhance their look. Even rock bands, actors and models show off them in films, live concert events and fashion shows. While contact lenses stay accessible in varied brands, designs and colours, there are those who nonetheless search further enhancements as a way to actually stand out from the crowd, or look amazing in a movie. Spider eyes are a kind of comparatively current kinds made for individuals who enjoy looking “odd”. Spider contacts aren’t destined to make eyes (or anyone) seem like Spider-Man, nor do they look like an actual spiders’ eyes. Their title comes from the spider-web they put together.

Spider eyes or Spider-web non prescription halloween contacts are certain to make your look “anomalous” while wearing them. One would assume any colour contacts for that matter, would dramatically change the appearance of a given individual but the stage of “creepiness” that this fashion creates is much more dramatic. If you stare directly into the eyes of someone sporting them, you might even fall into the phantasm that an actual spider made its very own web on the eye contacts! Spider eyes are more applicable for occasions comparable to a costume celebration, though one cannot say that they can’t be worn on a regular basis.

It is exciting to note that genuine spiders see through 6 eyes. They have layer of light sparkly crystals which is what makes them look a slightly shimmery.

Since these contacts are relatively new in the marketplace, they may not be as available in local eye wear shops. You can, nonetheless, find them quite simply by going online. Remember, as they are uncommon in design, they may cost more than only a plain pair of contacts.

As ought to be done for all eye contacts, you need to take precautions with this style of eye contacts as well. You should always consult with an eye doctor before buying a pair and remember all of the guidelines given to you on easy methods to use and care for your eye contacts.

Make my day and ensure that you recognize how to put them on and store them.

Do not forget, when you don’t find colored contacts distinctive enough in your fashion needs, then you must take into account the spider web eye contacts. Apart from the ‘odd’ factor, they are merely miles ahead of the rest of the same old contact lenses offered in the world. Indeed, ‘spider eyes’ contact lenses are a perfect selection if you are looking for something a little diverse.

Marcella Szatmiri has just completed a Uni degree on fashion, make-up and style. You can look amazing and unique too! Just go check out grey eye contacts.

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