Get Yourself An Amos And Andy DVD

Amos and Andy DVD is a collection of one of America’s first comedy series. The series was funny and well-loved by the general audience because of its good comical storyline and raw humor. It was very popular in the early days of the twentieth century until all throughout the 1950’s.

The creators of the series were Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll. They produced it too. Although the comedy series was mostly of a black American casting, these two were the ones who voiced the characters in the radio show.

The radio comedy series began in the early 1920’s. It took, however, about four years to have the television show running. This was because of casting problems on the part of the production team. The actors who played the characters on the radio were white people who were versatile and experienced with comedy roles.

The story revolved around the lives of Amos Jones and Andy Brown. The former was played by Tim Moore on television, and the latter was played by Spencer Williams.

The story is set in Atlanta, Georgia. Such a setting is fitting for a story which characters are black, since Atlanta is one of the America’s main cities having a good number of black American people. In the very first few episodes of the story, these characters made plans to find a better life in Chicago, Illinois. They made plans even with their friend warning them that life there would not be any better.

The whole plot then moves through the lives of these two men as they go through really tough and crazy experiences, aspiring for a better life in Chicago. The story is fully packed with hilarious comical acts and humorous insights about the craziness of life.

Amos and Andy DVD is a new release that brings forth to life the whole gang and their funny moments in a complete set of high-grade remastered episodes. These original series episodes re-live the fun that the fans experienced fifty years ago. Read more about: amos and andy dvd

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How Websites are Helping to Spread the Joy of Classic Films

Enter any Blockbuster in any town in the country and you will for sure encounter all the latest Hollywood hits, or horrors, depending on how you look at it. What is far scarcer and perhaps nonexistent on the shelves are the classic films, hits like Ma and Pa Kettle or Laurel and Hardy that you could sometimes catch on late night television when your parents thought you were asleep.

This disheartening lack of availability is leading to a lost generation who do not know the Swamp Thing, who thinks Edward Cullen is the hottest vampire of them all and to whom Charlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo and Cary Grant are names their parents uttered when in search of some dumb show.

Do not despair. Because of copyright protection, many of these films have entered the public domain introducing new viewers who only know about classic television to the far wider world of the silver screen classics and what stardom really means.

Just what is Public Domain and what does it All Mean?

Films are played in the public domain when there are no intellectual property rights influencing how and when they can be used and distributed. This makes it easy and convenient for websites are to distribute these great classic films to a wide audience without the exorbitant overhead costs that go along with royalties and so forth.

What does all this mean to the eager viewer of the classics whose going to be glued to the screen watching every film he can get his hands on? Websites like Hulu and Amazon have paid some punishing licensing fees to get copyrighted material on their sites. This results in a rather limited selection. The really obscure films aren’t part of the selection at all. Film buffs the world over are engaging in teeth gnashing and going to eBay in hopes of scoring an original vintage copy of the film that someone is trying to unload.

Yeah, right. As if any genuine film buff would put that up for sale to any old stranger. No way.

The Fact is the Internet IS the Public Domain

The awesome thing about the Internet is that it opens up whole new worlds in terms of public domain. Why? Because it can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime.

The power of the internet is there for the taking and millions of people “take” it every day. Because of the public domain and the internet, a new generation of film watchers are able to see the classics as they were meant to be seen, not in some producers idea of a remake that rarely hits the mark.

It’s time to expand your horizons and earn that honor of being called a film buff. Show your kids there is something beyond “Twilight” and “Matrix” and heaven forbid the remake of “Tron.” When movie night rolls around again, stay put and get on the internet, search the sites for a really good classic film you want to see that night, and view it right there on your own silver screen.

If you happened to have appreciated the above piece, you are able to go take a look at more similar posts at Loving the Classics Reviews or this Loving the Classics Website.

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How To Look For Movies Online

Web movies are an excellent way to sit and watch your favorite movies. Exactly what are web movies you wonder? Well they’re movies you have simply downloaded off of the internet. You’ll find many great sites in places you have the option of choosing the various movies that you want to watch.

These web movies will have a vast array of movies that you could choose from. There will also be various categories you could look at and also browse through. These could have a selection of romance, intrigue, horror, comedy, adventure, mystery. Additionally , you will be able to choose movies that the family want to watch.

Effortlessly these web movies you are able to choose what you would like to see and start watching almost immediately. You need to surf from the web and discover a reliable web movie site. You ought to check out the various details that are sent on these many movie sites. As you look at these numerous sites and you’ll discover web movies you need to see if you’re entitled to free movies or if you want to pay for the movie.

The various movies that you can see will also include the ones which you find on places like MySpace. This place has many different movies that have been made by up and coming new directors. Because these people are still novices to the world of movies you should keep an open mind when you are taking a look at these many web movies.

For some individuals web movies will come to mean the flicks that they use for you home made moves to relatives and friends. In both of those cases it is the perception of the maker that can define what is termed by movies. Whatever the case these numerous web movies all show us the talent of several people who like to share their dreams with countless other people.

You will find all of these many types of web movies whenever you look on the internet. As you seek out he perfect movie to increase your collection you might want to take some time and preview a few of the movies which are made by relatively recent people to the scene of movies.

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Three Key Elements for Analyzing and Reading Voice-Over Copy

When you’re listening to the radio while driving your car, do you keep it on one station, or do you flip through different channels? What makes you stop — a favorite song, the latest breaking news, or perhaps a commercial that really grabs your attention? If the voiceover talent reading the script is doing a great job in acting the part, then you may stop because the topic sounds exciting or relate-able. A good voiceover actor really brings a script to life!

Voiceovers can be a fun, flexible and an incredibly lucrative career! Last year, the industry grew 7% to $11.7 billion! Having a “marketable voice” is definitely important in voiceovers but there’s a lot more to it than that. Voiceovers are voice acting. You need to do more than just read the words on the page. Before you read a script, you want to ask yourself a few basic questions that will help you analyze the product, as well as understand your listener.

1) What audience is the script intended for?

2) How can you connect with the product? Because voiceovers are voice acting, think about personal experiences that you can relate to. If you can’t relate to it, how can you pretend (aka, act) to relate to it?

3) What is the emotion that you want to convey while reading this script?

4) Visualization plays a key part in voiceovers. It helps voice actors picture the person they’re talking to, as well as the product that they’re talking about. While you’re reading the script try to visualize someone who would be interested to hear what you have to say about this product.

One thing that is just as important as how you read the script is how you breathe while you’re reading the script! You should learn how to take intentional diaphragm breaths to sound fluid and natural. You don’t ever want to sound like you’re running out of air — because that will definitely make you sound like you’re reading a script. There are two important things about breath control to keep in mind: 1) breathing properly using your diaphragm; and, 2) knowing exactly where in the script you should breathe.

Analyzing copy, which is another name for a voiceover script, is very important in voiceovers. Another important skill to master is breathing! Using proper breathing techniques as a voice actor is critical in helping you sound natural and conversational. When you’re reading a script, you should never sound like you’re running out of air. When we start running out of air while we’re talking, we just take a breath before the lack of air is even noticeable. Therefore, when you’re doing voiceovers, breathing properly and breathing in the correct places within your script are essential skills to hone.

In order to breathe properly as a voice talent you need to intentionally engage your diaphragm. This will help you control your breath, help with your phrasing, and give you stamina for longer reads.

How to take a diaphragm breath:

1. Stand with your feet slightly apart and raise your arms up straight over your head. Then lower them gently, while focusing on keeping your ribs raised. You don’t need to do this to take a diaphragm breath; however, it helps to position your body when learning how to do it properly.

2. With your hands slightly above your waist position your finger tips so they’re towards your belly button and your thumbs on your back. Also, not needed to take a diaphragm breath but it will be a good indicator if you’re doing it correctly.

3. Once your hands are in place and your ribs are raised, then focus on taking a low, deep breath. This will feel more like a “filling up like a balloon” sensation, or a downward motion, instead of filling your lungs up with air. When you take this breath, make sure that your shoulders do not move up. In actuality, your stomach should move OUT when you INHALE and move IN when you EXHALE. This is very similar to how a baby’s stomach moves while it is sleeping.

4. You should also feel your fingers moving outward with your inhaled breath as well as feeling slight movement in the palms of your hands as your entire diaphragm is moving outward.

5. Here are some exercises that you can practice to help learn how to breathe with your diaphragm:

a) Sit down on a chair with your legs together in front of you. Then bend over so that your chest is touching the top of your legs. Let your arms hang down towards your feet and take a low deep breath. Focus on feeling your stomach moving against your legs.

b) Lay down flat on your back with your hands placed on your stomach. Then relax and take a low, deep breath. You should see your stomach moving UP when you INHALE and DOWN when you EXHALE. You should also feel the movement in your hands, which is a great indicator if you’re doing this correctly.

c) Lastly, try lying down with your body curled over a large yoga ball (or equivalent) with your arms hanging along side, kind of like you’re hugging it. Then roll back and forth to position yourself so that your stomach is the center of your weight, not your chest. Then focus on taking a low, deep breath and feel your stomach move OUTWARD against the ball while you’re inhaling.

Breathing properly is very important in voiceovers, but so is knowing where exactly to breathe. You want to make notations in your script ahead of time telling you where you should breathe so you don’t accidentally run out of air. When notating your script, you want to keep in mind natural phrasing and conversational pauses as well.

As far as how to notate your breaths, that’s entirely up to you. Pick markings that you will remember. Voiceover talent will sometimes use a mid-air comma (like a musical breath notation), or a line like this | or this / or you can connect the words with a long, continuous line in an arch shape to notate NOT to breathe in between them.

So grab some copy, a pencil and remember to breathe.

To receive your free voice-over evaluation and information on getting voice over jobs, visit our website. Our tested blueprint for getting voice over work have helped thousands of voice-over artists get started in this fascinating industry.

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Is Al Pacino One Of The All Time Greatest Actors?

Al Pacino has featured in many spectacular films. The Godfather, Smell of A Lady, Scarface, Donnie Brasco and Heat to name just a few.

He exploded onto the film scene with the cult film Scarface. He played a maniacal South American drug dealer who went out in a hail of bullets. This filmed is adored and hated both by picture admirers and critics.

The fans who adore it claim it is a tour de force, people who do not like it claim it's an over acted hammy performance. Whatever view you take, or have on Al Pacino, he is a bigger than life actor.

It looks to be his character. He does not play shy, humble, subdued character portrayals. Everything is loud, shouted, gestured, maybe very similar to his Italian American background.

The thing is when Al goes ott he doesn't hold back. Whether that makes him a good or bad actor I'm not sure. He becomes lost in the task, lost in the personality, submerged in the instant; is this not what great acting is all about?

There is a fine line between a great performance and a hammy acting job. Pacino appears to straddle this line, but always erring on the great performance side. As he has a belief in himself that much, his uber confidence appears to make the characters believable.

In the 1995 Michael Mann film Heat, he plays opposite another leading man legend, Robert De Niro. It was actually the first time the 2 actors had ever played against one another. Both are famed for giving robust, confident performances. It was fascinating to see what the chemistry was like in this film. It was electrifying.

In the famous coffee bar scene they sat across one another in a caf booth. Not one of them seemed disturbed by the other’s persona. De Niro comes out robust willed and nefarious, and Pacino exuberates calm and confidence. If it was any actor portraying his larger than life picture screen persona’s it might be either comedy or pastiche, but Pacino often plays it to a T.

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The Uses And Value Of A Catholic DVD

A catholic DVD is a good way in which to support devotions on a regular basis. It may be especially useful if you are housebound and cannot get to church easily.

Prayer and devotion are concepts that are at the heart of Catholicism. Prayers are expected to form a central role in the lives of any believer. They are said to edify the soul and enhance spirituality. This is especially important in modern times as the societies we live in are wholly secular. By consciously deciding to fill our minds with enlightening materials we can counteract the unholy influences we are subject to from the world around us.

There are many kinds of DVDs of a religious nature. There are those that focus on shoring up prayerfulness. Some have sermons and homilies that were given by bishops and priests from holy mass services from around the world. There are some that provide theological interpretations of prayers and Bible passages. Some are simply prayers and psalms for listening to.

Any Catholicism devotee is interested in the lives of the patron saints. Fortunately, the lives of many have been well documented and have even been made into documentaries and movies. These can be watched on DVDs that are available for general purchase. A good example is the movie starring Ingrid Bergman depicting the life of war heroine, Saint Joan of Arc.

Children benefit from being exposed to religious media. Choose for them CDs that contain songs and hymns that they can sing along with. There are also many animated movies that depict the life of Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Some of the Hollywood movies with a Biblical theme are very exciting to watch but may not always be suitable for children.

Many of the religious book shops will have a Catholic DVD or two that may be of interest to you. Many churches have an integral shop where such items can also be purchased. Much relevant material is available on general release and can be bought from the internet.

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Who To Count On With Recent Movie Reviews

Whether or not it is a star or possibly a tomato, there are many techniques that recent movie reviews tend to be rated. What is so complex is definitely the method by which the rating is done. One critic may possibly appreciate it, although the second might think it’s idiotic and slow. It’s tough to fully realize which critique to believe in without learning on your own.

Open just about any local paper and check out their entertainment section. In it you will find of listing of the most recent movies and what various other publications and reviewers have rated them. Three may give a movie a ‘don’t miss’ rating, whereas 4 more give it a ‘don’t hurry’ and 2 others give it a ‘don’t bother’.

An individual scans the particular overview of a film and learns it has suspense, car chases and shoot outs to have them clinging to their seat. It appears to be the very best choice. However, next, this person reads further and realizes that a reviewer panned it. This judge explains that it’s expected and slow-moving in several sections. That individual finds it difficult to contemplate, so they access the web. One more review boasts the opposite. So, now the individual is completely puzzled. They do not know in which to believe in.

One choice could be to judge films yourself. Right after watching a motion picture, consider exactly what you thought regarding it. Assess your opinions in relation to various experts. Work out which comes the closest to you. After that, do this numerous times, you will recognize that your own grade is matching other reviewers. There may be a few. Those will be the critics it is best to depend on. They could be right or they could be wrong, nonetheless they will definitely come nearer to your thoughts.

Because people, and their tastes, are so different, you will find attitudes towards recent movies varying. That isn’t to say that all reviewers may find a feel good film about a local boy and an animal as a major blockbuster, but, these will not come that often.

Consequently, when it comes to recent movie reviews, the best option is to discover a couple of experts that think similar to yourself. There could be a couple of that are correct and a couple that are wrong, but typically, they should be beneficial. During questionable times, choose your own gut impulse.

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Buying Western Wear Tombstone AZ

When it comes to Western wear, there are a few reasons why you might want to wear it. Your job might entail it, or it could be in the name of fancy dress. Whatever the reason might be, there are places that sell western wear Tombstone AZ. With the help of some of these places, you can dress authentically.

Hopefully, you will find it pretty simple to find a store that can give you a full outfit of traditional wear. If you are looking for accuracy, then it is a good idea to make sure that the store you buy from is staffed by those who know how to help you with that. Service is important with things like this, particularly if you have not bought or worn such clothes, before.

There are also brand names that produce the sort of clothing that you want, exclusively. Many stores carry a number of these so that you can have your choice of design depending on the look that you want to go for. Finding out which brands suit your purposes before you start shopping can help you, especially if you are new to Western wear.

You might like to think about contacting the store before you go, so that you know that they carry what it is that you need. If you are visiting the shop in person, then you do not need to travel there, only to find that they do not have what it is that you need.

If you are ordering online, then, obviously, there is no risk of travelling without finding what it is that you might need. You might, however, need to contact the company to ask questions, so it can be a good idea if the company has a number of ways to contact them.

If the company has an online shop, then email might be a good choice, although most stores have numbers that you can call. Making a phone call may get you a quicker response, which is probably worth keeping in mind. Read more about: western wear tombstone az

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Have A Dynamic Film Presentation With Video Production Services In Miami

Videography has long been amazing people, not everybody knows it and not everybody is good at it nevertheless has a talent for it. That being said, when one considering on making a short film for a certain event, it may be best to seek help from professionals such as those that offers video production services Miami.

Nowadays, the presence and usefulness of videos have become undeniable. It is said to be more effective in teaching students than books as this could be a great fun to look and learn from. Indeed films are more effective but for one to get a high quality film, seeking help form professionals is a great help.

Whether one is about to make television commercials, wedding videos, event videos, corporate videos or even home videos, it is best if one seeks professional help. Indeed, anyone can always make his own video or do the editing himself but nothing is more better than a finish product from a professional.

As the shoot of this short film begins, these professionals will be the one responsible in providing every detail to one’s film, equipment packages needed for the film and they could also offer complete film making service that is suitable for one’s film presentation.

In addition to that, these professionals ensures their clients to make a film with a highest quality, efficiency and reliability which exceeds their customer’s expectations. Apart from doing their job, they too listen to their customers in order to understand what they want and capture it on the film.

With the proper knowledge, skills and talent, surely such film will be what one wants it to be or even better. Indeed, they have all the right resources, not to mention some high end equipments to make a dynamic, informative and unforgettable film.

Indeed, video production services Miami may have its price, but it surely is worth every dime. Be completely astonished with what these talented individuals can do and most importantly get the film the way one wanted it to be, or even better. Read more about: video production services miami

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Was Clint Eastwood In His Hey Day The Coolest Man In The world?

Have you ever seen the interview of Clint Eastwood when he was questioned if he asked why do you think people called him to coolest actor in the world? He was sitting on a sofa and as fast as he was asked the question he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He popped the open top packet and out rolled a cig. He then picked one out flicked it and it landed in his mouth. He flicked his gas lighter flint of his leg and it sparked up. Next he lit his fag, drew a deep breath and paused. He tilted his head to one side and retorted in his calm voice, “I don’t know”. Enough said.

Out of all of the actors like Paul Newman, Frank Sinatra, Steve McQueen, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Permit the ones that have that cool nothing phases me touch, Clint took this farther with his edgy, yet composed laconic demeanor. If you might sell ice to eskimo’s Clint would be a s.e.o. marketing pros dream man.

What help[s Clint of course is the star studded vehicles he was in that were created especially for him. He learned plenty from his early acting career, and he realized speedily the seriousness of having control of a film contract. It was this control that unavoidably led him into direction.

Nothing much more can be said but this relaxed style is actually Clint’s personality. Even at 70 years and his voice is calm and quiet on his picture set. The actors and crew respect this. There aren't any stories about Clint screaming at his crew or actors to get the best out of them. He has confidence in them and this transfers across into the screen.

Still running strong and with his contemporary films from Flags Of Our Fathers to Grand Torino and Million Buck Baby the creativeness has dried up neither. When there is a crisis Clint is yer man. Maybe he should stand for President and sort out this mess. Rather him than Arnold.

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