The Biggest Myth of Acting – Pretending is Acting

Actors who study the Meisner Technique are likely familiar with the term the actors instrument. An analogy between an actor and an instrument is a good way to help define all the aspects of the acting craft and help actors take in idea, information and lines and put out high quality work. Even the most inexperienced audience knows when acting is good or not, simply by how engaged they are in the material being presented. They don’t need a great deal of theatre going experience to sense when the acting is fantastic. They can also sense when an actors instrument is not well developed, because they don’t “believe” the character portrayal.

The actors instrument as six general categories. Those elements include emotional expression, sensory expression, physical expression, empathy and intelligence. Mastering the craft of acting with the Meisner Technique requires that all six aspects of the instrument are well developed. If you run down the categories mentioned, anyone even slightly interested in acting should be able to name successful actors who have mastered several of these aspects of expression. Rarely, the are actors that come along and become the best of the best by being gifted at them all.

Take, for example, Sylvester Stallone who is know for his commanding physical presence and physical expression. This doesn’t mean that he can’t express himself emotionally, it just means that his physical presence is the most developed of his acting tools. Although he is practiced at developing an emotional side of his characters, those expressions are often communicated through physical means. Actors must focus and learn about all the aspects of the acting instrument, which will help them be diverse and capable of many types of roles.

Emotional expression is the most common aspect of the instrument that actors are focused on. Obsessing about how a character feels about something and how to express it is usually the primary thing actors concentrate on. While it can be short sighted to put too much weight on any one aspect of the actors instrument, emotional expression is certainly a key acting tool to master. It’s important to remember, however, that each of the six aspects of the instrument are related and must be developed and work together.

Of course, it is meaningful emotional expression that draws people into any character or story. Emotional expression is they way that the internal aspects of a character’s conflicts, needs, and feelings are expressed. It is common in classes teaching Meisner acting in nyc to create an emotional history of a character, imagine it in detail and then use all the aspects of the instrument to express them. Students of Meisner acting must study the range of human emotions in all their complexity. They do this by creating a “library” of human emotion and a resource of reactions and ways of communicating based on studies of real people. When called upon to create a specific character, they dig very deep and create and imagine (another part of the instrument) what that character’s emotional story is. They create and live the emotional life that the character would live so that it is instilled in them and can be called upon at will.

Take as an example, vulnerability which is an expression of insecurity or perhaps innocence or even strength. Actors might work hard to develop this emotion and the complex ways it can be expressed. But, if they have strongly developed other aspects of their instrument, such as physical expression and empathy, they will be able to present an authentic, vulnerable character. A single tear, without words can accomplish this, but how about a sense of vulnerability shown while one is smashing a clock to pieces? These are very nuanced yet, essential things to study.

The myth is that acting is simply pretending to have an emotion. Simply reciting inflections and gestures that express certain emotions is not acting. Acting is DOING, as master teacher Sanford Meisner always said. In other words acting is being in the moment and allowing any number of emotional reactions well up and take you over and turn you into the actual character. Great acting is, moment by moment, opening up to the character and allowing them to take you places you may not have imagined. The best actors do not pretend to feel something, or coach themselves to do anything while in character. They feel genuine, strong emotions and a sense of grief or loss and images makes them cry. This process requires that an actor develop the capacity to create and feel true sensations, and then express that through all channels of their instrument. Actors must give themselves permission to feel strong emotions, and express them (or not, if the role requires it) in physical, intelligent, empathetic ways.

The Maggie Flanigan Studio provides training for serious actors committed to improving their craft. Find out more about meisner acting in nyc by reading this article about acting instrument by visiting the studio website.

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Today Choose A Documentary On Education

After the school reform in 2008, people got more concerned about the entire situation in public schools. Documentary on education became a popular choice to a much wider audience than it used to be. Shocking and disturbing, those movies are raising public consciousness about society issues.

Schools without elementary educational plans, High schools where children cannot get a normal education and a chance to be something more. People ought to find out about the harsh reality. Poor kids just cannot get the opportunity to get away, and this is a main subject in these documentaries.

Waiting for Superman is a strange titled movie by Davis Guggenheim. Following five families, he pictured their struggle for providing a better life for their kids. And the only way to have this better life is to get to a better school. Winning number in this school lottery will allow them to become educated, successful person.

The Lottery is the title of another movie dealing with educational issues today. This movie was directed by Madeleine Sackler, and she is also deeply concerned about situation today. Helplessness and despair of those poor parents unable to provide decent schools for their children are disturbing to watch. Above all, those kids just don’t have another way out.

Harlem Success Academy is the place everyone would like to go, but only few lucky ones will get the chance. With so many applicants, those chances are ridiculously small. In country of equal, poor kids cannot help themselves, even when they are trying so hard. Not easy to watch, either.

documentary on education shouldn’t be so disturbing, but those really are. Equality is somewhere else. Uncovered details about educational issues today can be shocking. Nevertheless, this is something you should see. Maybe the popularity of these documentaries can become a trigger for some changes in the society.

We have a lot more helpful information about Documentary On Education As A Popular Topic .

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Tom Hanks Does It All

A long and successful career is what Tom Hanks has created for himself. He has had roles in movies that make both children and adults happy. He is not only an actor, however. He has made great successes in writing, directing, and producing as well. When he was born and growing up, it may not have been something that he could ever expect, but he has made a life for himself that is artistically pleasing and that is creatively pleasing as well.

His Younger Life Tom Hanks was born in Concord, California on July 9, 1956 to an itinerant cook and hospital worker. From this start, most people would never have expected him to reach the pinnacle of success that he has had, but it is one that he can be very proud of. Tom says that most students and teachers alike stayed away from him at school because he was a “geek” and “a spaz.” His acting career began in high school where he was part of the performance of South Pacific. He then went on to study theater in Chabot College, but did not complete his degree, simply because he found a job working in production.

Finding His Success In 1979, Tom moved to New York where he was cast in his first movie called He Knows You’re Alone. While this was a low budget film, it did give him enough exposure to get a role in the new TV series, Bosom Buddies. This show was his turning point and showed his ability to do comedy in a very pleasing way. After a guest appearance on Happy Days, he was cast in the blockbuster hit, Splash, with Darryl Hannah. Then he went on to star in Bachelor Party.

Tom Hanks has ridden the rollercoaster of success, but he has seen many more successes than failures. Comedy was his main typecast for the first few years and he made it his own in movies like Big, Turner & Hooch, The Money Pit, and The ‘Burbs. He went on to take more dramatic roles that helped him to grow his acting abilities even more. Some of these movies that he was cast in included Forrest Gump, A League of their Own, Philadelphia, and Apollo 13.

Writing, Directing, and Producing Tom Hanks is a multi-faceted entertainment professional. He writes, directs, produces, and acts, sometimes in the same movie. Most notably, he has used these skills in From Earth to the Moon, a docudrama that went on to win an Emmy Award. His other forays are found in some big name movies including Saving Private Ryan, The Green Mile, Band of Brothers, and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. These movies are all very popular with a variety of different people and they helped to make Tom Hanks into who he is today. His biggest role may be coming up, however, as he is slated to play the role of Walt Disney in Saving Mr. Banks.

No matter who you are or how often you go to the movies, you are sure to know who Tom Hanks is. His long and varied career is one that we want to continue to follow, as it is sure to be one that will only give us more entertainment. His family, along with his granddaughter, is a big part of his life, and they, along with his career, keep him going and growing in his skills and creativity.

Looking to find the gode dvdfilm?, then visit to for example find the best Tom Hanks movies.

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Finding Out More On Video Editing

What people usually think about in regards to films is the glamorous environment of the film set. This is only part of what actually goes on though as there is far more to a production than just the shooting. That is why finding out what you need to know about video editing NYC located is important.

For the footage to make sense to the audience it needs to be ordered after the completion of the shooting. The narrative is important to a films structure so a good edit can make a lot of difference. With awards now being bestowed upon them, editors have begun to gain far more prestige than before.

Available to editors today are a number of different computer programs. Compared to the older fashioned methods, these computers can save you a lot of time. In the past film had to be spliced by hand, which could be extremely time-consuming.

Making sure that the footage is edited just right is important as it all needs synchronized for it to run fluidly. This can be a very precise process and take a lot of skill. Practicing this will help, or even better may be to train at a higher level.

The level of importance of an editors role in the proceedings is an issue that has been surrounded by debate. The film would not make any sense if it were not for their hard work. As the film is being completed they are a necessity in the proceedings.

If you keep all of this in mind then finding out what you should know about video editing nyc located is easy due to the many options available. With the ever decreasing costs of film-making these options will become even more prevalent. As you practice more as well, you will find yourself being able to edit far more easily.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about video editing nyc.

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Guide To Production Of Great Documentaries

People often need to shoot a documentary for various reasons. These video productions provide an insight into the operations of different individuals and various other aspects in life. Shooting great documentaries is a process that requires the individual to concentrate on different aspects and possess refined skills on how to carry out the activity. By concentrating on these factors, people are able to come up with nice products to help them complete their jobs.

Among the factors that one should keep in mind is that coming up with good results is a process that takes time. Therefore, one should not try to hurry the process or rush those involved. Taking time allows one to pay attention to details and refine the product accordingly.

Among the major activities for execution of a nice idea is coming up with an interesting topic and title for the film. The title should reflect the topic and content in the production. The content should also be amusing and informative enough to keep viewers interested.

The first thing the producer should produce is a trailer that serves as a promotional clip and a summary of what the film will contain. This should be used to create anticipation for the main production. The target audience becomes aware of the production and waits for the full version.

The producers should also consider hiring the services of a professional video editor to edit the clip. The editor uses computer software to produce various special effects desired by the viewers. Production of these effects is impossible without the computer software. It requires mastery of skills for one to be able to carry out this task.

To prepare the audience for the product, producers of great documentaries have to promote their clips through advertisements. These are easy to do especially now with the media and internet resources placed at the disposal of producers. They are able to reach a worldwide audience.

We have a lot more helpful information about Guide To Production Of Great Documentaries .

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How Trailers By A Movie Trailer Production Company Mean Success

One short video type deemed popular and often is watched by the people these days is a creation of a movie trailer production company. When properly created, these shorts may entice the viewer to watch the full film it is connected to, and thus, making the said advertising material one which is successful.

Prior to presenting the manner in which this will work, keep in mind some good trailers which enticed you to watching their associated films before. Even if these are short, it included sections of a film which is important. Outcomes, however, were not revealed. Instead, only the intriguing parts of that film were revealed.

A philosophy being followed by trailers is just similar to those which other types of advertising follow. Hence, it should attract every possible visitor or client to one point which means wanting to watch the film.

Other than showing the appropriate aspects of the film, its tone is also deemed to be important. For action films, they should be presented in a way that some fast-paced scenes, as well as the situation, is properly shown. For a comedy, scenes that are funny or jokes which are said, are highlighted. A drama will rely on strong emotions.

As the trailers have limits allocated to them, choosing the scene for these film trailers is one which is actually proven challenging. Particularly, these last around one or three minutes.

This certain task may prove to be hard should there be at least one genre in that film. Such is due to their need to have the trailers produced in one way depicting every genre altogether. But when properly done, many audiences will end up watching due to the large range of potential audiences.

Trailers made by a movie trailer production company may do lots of impact, both negative and positive, to their associated films. But creators must not neglect to create the trailers in a way which makes it connect to others.

Click here for more information about How Trailers By A Movie Trailer Production Company Mean Success .

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How To Find The Best Ghostwriting Services Providers

If you really want to get your job done to the required standards, it is important that you hire the best ghostwriting services company. Although this is something that is a little new, many firms are coming in to provide top rate services. These professionals assist in the development of blogs, website and other relevant content.

These professionals can make sure that their clients are offered the best of quality.They craft content that is optimized for the search engines. With their understanding of various strategies which can be used to offer top rate services, you will be able to get the best from them.

These service providers can also do technical writing. These are articles which offers specific instructions on how certain roles can be performed. It is important that the articles be concise and also easy to understand. These experts have many staff members with the necessary experiences to put the facts right and in the most understandable way possible.

It is not only the portfolio, but also the experience of the writers which should inform your decision to hire them or not. Also, the prices which they charge should be equivalent to the existing market rates. Carry out a survey and compare the quality which they have to offer to the prices which they quote.

It is also important for you to hire someone who is pleasant to work with. There are many professionals out there and even if someone has the technical competencies, you should think of hiring someone who is easy going. Get a good communicator to work on your tasks.

Furthermore, the provider of ghostwriting services need be accessible. This is good since you will need to get updates and many more. You should be able to reach them on phone, email and other methods of communication. If this does not happen, you could end up a frustrated person.

Click here for more information about How To Find Top Rate Ghostwriting Services Company .

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Producing A Script For That Political TV Spot Production

Formulating your intended script for that political TV spot production is one task which can prove to be demanding. Such is due to those clients availing of the said service. They surely would want to have themselves known to the people. Therefore, the desired result is something considered to be good.

Although there are heavy demands for the said task, you will realize that in the end, it becomes rewarding. Therefore, so this script is properly made, you should follow the given steps below.

You should research about the person. You should get knowledge about that certain person and any competitors or parties. Another information which is important is knowing what sets him apart from others. Capitalize on it.

Since you are using the television as your medium of spreading the message around, you should be certain that the commercial is something which is stimulating to the eyes and ears. In this step, defining the intended audience is a must-do. For commercials like these, your audience will include the ones who are aware of the current situation of their location in terms of politics.

If you will define the target audience, state this in a manner that is descriptive. You also should include their residential areas and typical behaviors. Still, you need to consider if television is a habit to them or not.

Because the said type of commercial may be aired only at a time that is limited, thirty seconds to be exact, be certain that your ad will say something which is powerful regarding the person. A step which is recommended is the use of a tag line that the candidate will use in his campaign. Therefore, you should first consult his campaign managers.

If you are finished with these steps, it is time to proceed to let the creative people do their task in the creation of the political tv spot production. Keep in mind that this may also be utilized in the movies along with the television.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about political tv spot production.

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Waiting For Superman: A Documentary On School Reforms

Education is paramount to all kids and for that matter good education and every child should be offered education and a good environment to study. Therefore when kids are learning in dilapidated facilities in public schools, it leaves a lot to be desired and the documentary on school namely Waiting for Superman, depicts the conditions in which kids in public school learn in.

This film is based on five American kids of elementary to middle school of age. Anthony lives in Washington DC, Daisy in Los Angeles, Francisco in Bronx, Emily in Silicon Valley and Bianca in Harlem. All of these five children are very sharp minded and they all have dreams and hope to become great people in the society.

All these five children are attending the worst public schools in the States with the most pathetic graduation rates. As a parent, you would wish for your kid to attend the best, so as to acquire beneficial education and for this reason, the parents of these kids want to transfer them but the problem comes in with the application process.

The statistics in itself can make you tear. For the state to keep a prisoner alive for one year costs twice as much as sending a kid to a public school in the states. The irony of this is that it is in the same prison that a greater percentage of kids from the public schools end up in.

The USA is ranked close to the last developed nations with a poor performance in reading, science and mathematics. The category that they perform well is one that does not even benefit them as they think that their performance is good if not great.

Davis Guggenheim depicts the solutions that can help save the education system of the American kids who are not privileged enough to attend private institutions. This is a must watch documentary on school for anyone who believes that the public education system needs reforms and who would wish to be a part of this change.

We have a lot more helpful information about The Best Documentary On School Changes .

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How To Succeed As An Asian Actor

It is not an easy thing to succeed as an actor or actress. Though this craft is fairly lucrative if you finally arrive at it, fortitude, patience and hard work are a must have trait. Below, tips on how to become a successful Asian actor is discussed.

A big aspect of this career is about gift and talent. It is very hard to survive at a trade you naturally are not good at, it is therefore very important to take that hard look at yourself and evaluate your strength and weaknesses. Proper evaluation of oneself is vital, it give a basic idea if you really are cut out for this craft.

Seek relevant training and education before you even start looking for roles to act at. Education is a big part in any profession. The best actors went to school to perfect their trade and are continuously learning. You career coach can offer advice on the best schools to attend.

Move to a major city. Typically most action in this industry takes place mostly in major metropolitans and towns. If you are in Asia Delhi, Beijing or Shanghai is not that bad to move to. Other towns you could find some good action include London, New York, Copenhagen and Amsterdam.

Market yourself with a promising resume. Like in any field, having a well craft out cover letter and resume is likely to land you work. Technically, you need to write up a resume which you’ll keep on updating with time. Your cover letter is also as useful. You could write up a custom cover letter which can be revamped depending with the post you’re applying for.

With your quality cover letter, resume and headshot, you can now start fishing. Generally, the idea is to research on a few credible leads and then through your net out. As a rule, make sure to follow out each of your application every two to three months with a post card informing agents, producers or directors what you have been up to. You never know they might need your services.

Always make a point of visiting fairs and galas relating to acting. If you receive invites to such events, make a point of attending. Such occasions always present an opportunity to network. Remember, who you can easily present very valuable opportunities.

Research and be clued-up on current industry activity. It is this information that will help you know the events to attend, who you need to know and such. Through such info, you are able to go to events or talk to influential people; this can easily translate into acting roles.

Perseverance is a big trait any actor must have. To succeed as an Asian actor will not happen overnight, it will take time. Sometimes you could be doing everything right but things are just not happening; give it time, that great break will come, remain focus and keep on keeping on.

Find a brief summary of the reasons why you should become an actor and tips on how to succeed as an Asian actor at right now.

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